Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Make Your Own Endless Supply of Swiffer Refills!

Make Your Own Endless Supply of Swiffer Refills!

homemade swiffer padBelieve it or not, I have never purchased any kind of Swiffer device…until I decided to do a blog post about it. But lately I have had several people email me asking about a cheaper, greener alternative to those Swiffer pads and cleaning solution…so I decided I better check out this cleaning phenomenon.
Did you know that since Procter and Gamble introduced the Swiffer in 1999, it has grown to become one of the most recognized and successful brands in American history, with retail sales at over a half billion dollars??!! That’s a lot of swift-sweepering! :-) It’s obviously an idea people like…a LOT!
But constantly buying the refills for the Swiffer…dry or wet…can add up. So today I’m going to show you how to save yourself some $$ AND save resources by making your own REUSABLE “pads” and cleaning solution. Two ideas that are so simple you’ll be smacking your forehead (like I was) and uttering that familiar phrase…“Why didn’t *I* think of that?”

This idea is one I’ve seen on Pinterest a few times and quite honestly didn’t believe it could possibly work like people claimed it would. But one day I found myself walking past a display of these pretty, pink chenille socks at the dollar store and couldn’t resist buying a pair to put the idea to the test. Of course that meant I had to buy the Swiffer apparatus as well, since I didn’t own one, but I figured it was well worth the $9.99 for the sake of home science!
When I got my new cleaning tools home I began the arduous task of putting them together. Of course I’m being totally sarcastic because you literally click the sections of the handle together to the head of the Swiffer and then put the sock over it. Done.
homemade swiffer pad
But as nifty as it looks, I still had my doubts whether it would actually work. Well color me WRONG…because it worked like a charm. I took the swiffer-sock for a quick spin around my kitchen floor (that I had actually just cleaned the day before!) and………………..
homemade swiffer pad
homemade swiffer pad
homemade swiffer pad
……… this is what is came up with!  I didn’t think it would work on a DIRTY floor, let alone one I THOUGHT was clean! But I was happily mistaken. The proof is in the DIRT! 
homemade swiffer pad
And now all you do is slide the sock off and throw it in the washing machine! ONE DOLLAR just bought you a virtually endless supply of “pads” for your Swiffer!
homemade swiffer pad

Now, if this wasn’t cool enough…out of the clear blue, my nephew Danny sent me a message on my iPhone the other day showing me his DIY idea for pricey Swiffer WetJet refills. He said he really likes his WetJet, but didn’t like paying for the refills and actually liked his homemade solution better!
homemade wetjet refill
(Note:  I realize the picture shows the WetJet on carpeting. He wasn’t cleaning his carpet with it!  He was just showing me the device.) 
Here are the pictures he sent me showing his refill “hack”. Yep, all he did was cut a hole in the bottom (top?) of the bottle and pour in his own concoction of 50 percent water/50 percent vinegar and just a drop or two of dish soap.
homemade wetjet refill

I have yet to try this out myself but knowing my nephew….it’s a winner!  It looks like I’m going to have to go buy one more Swiffer apparatus…all in the name of home science, of course!


DIY Swiffer Wood Floor Cleaner Recipe

Homemade Wood Floor Cleaner
1 cup vinegar
3 cups water
10 drops tea tree oil
10 drops lemon essential oil

Mix all ingredients together in a container and pour on floor and mop as usual.

This was so easy to make and use.  I did not need to use a lot, since it is pretty concentrated. 
