Sunday, August 25, 2019

Rat's Vein

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long been used by Indigenous Americans for medicinal purposes. The name “pipsissewa” comes from the word “pipsisikweu,” which is Muscogee (a Native American people of the southeastern region of the United States) for “breaks into small pieces.” The Muscogee used this name because the plant was used to break up kidney stones and gallstones. In fact, the plant is used for a number of treatments beyond stones. I read that pipsissewa made into a strong tea or decoction can be used to treat urinary tract infections as well. The tea has been used to reduce swelling and inflammation, including muscle aches and pains, rheumatism, and headaches. It also can reduce fevers by promoting perspiration. I’ve read that pipsissewa has an antiseptic influence on the urinary system and is sometimes used in the treatment of cystitis. Externally, the decoction can be used as a wash to treat sores and blisters.

Also called spotted pipsissewa, or Chimaphila maculata in Latin. Other common names include ratsbane, bitter wintergreen, spotted wintergreen, ground holly, herbe d’hiver, and rheumatism root, among others. Spotted wintergreen is in the heath family, Ericaceae. Spotted wintergreen has distinct dark green leaves with a lighter colored vein running down the middle of the leaf. When it flowers, spotted wintergreen produces a stem on which you can find small white or pink flowers that droop over like bells. This plant tends to grow in dry woodland areas and forest. It is native to North and Central America.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Olive Leaves

Olive Leaves – contain nutrients that detoxify the blood and improve circulation. Taking olive leaf extract will prevent free radicals from instigating damage that leads to disease and lowers blood pressure. Taken regularly this extract will result in a stronger liver, thyroid and pancreas. Oleuropein is the active property in olive leaves which is an anti-inflammatory composite found in the pancreas. The consumption of extra amounts of oleuropein helps to lessen the pain and swelling caused by pancreatitis. Olive leaves also contain oleic acid which aids in destroying free radicals which can cause cellular harm to the pancreas. Studies have shown that these leaves can hold back the growth of cancer cells and taken regularly, will reduce the risk of breast cancer as well as pancreatic cancer.


Dandelion – This familiar weed is an effective remedy against pancreatic cancer cells, in particular to those which are unaffected by other cancer treatments. Studies have shown that extract of dandelion root caused cancer cells to die, while not affecting normal cells. Dandelion tea is excellent for flushing toxins out of the intestines and also aids in restoring damaged pancreatic tissues.


Oregano – This culinary herb is rich in natural phenolic anti-oxidants making it valuable in treating oxidation caused by diabetes. Studies on pigs have shown that oregano can slow down pancreatic amylase. Oregano is believed to have robust anti-hyperglycemic properties that can handle hyperglycemia and/or long term complications arising from diabetes.


Haritaki – is a natural remedy in India from the fruit of the Terminalia Chebula plant and is still not well-known in general. Research has shown that it has beneficial effects on the pancreas as well as formidable cancer fighting properties. Haritaki is thought to be able to prevent the growth of cancerous tumors in the pancreas as it is believed to cause apoptosis (natural death of cancerous cells). There are no noticeable side effects either. Taking haritaki extract orally lowers blood sugar levels by 43.2% - a valuable aid to diabetics.


Horsetail – This herb is abundant in silica which aids the body in healing and restores damaged tissue which has deteriorated due to inflammation of the pancreas. In a study of the effects of horsetail on diabetic rats, it was discovered that after only five weeks of therapy, horsetail was shown to have noteworthy anti-diabetic properties and it also aided in the regeneration of the pancreas.


Goldenseal – is a popular herb and therefore not easy to find in the wild. It is one of the most beneficial herbs on the planet due to its therapeutic and medicinal properties. It can actually lower blood sugar levels and aid the pancreas in its general function as well as motivating beta cells contained inside the pancreas, which is of extreme benefit to diabetics. Goldenseal also has anti-bacterial, laxative, antiseptic, tonic, muscle stimulant, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties.

Licorice Root

Licorice Root – is considered an excellent remedy for various disorders of the pancreas. The Chinese have used licorice for thousands of years in their traditional medicine. Licorice is laden with anti-inflammatory properties which reduce the pain and swelling which is linked to pancreatitis.


Calendula – or Pot Marigold, has been used as a healing herb for centuries. Due to its anti-viral, anti-inflammatory properties as well as anti-genotoxic compounds, it is highly effective in fighting cancer. Studies have shown that calendula could probably stop tumor cells from increasing between 70-100%. This indicates that calendula has important cytotoxic tumor properties and can activate lymphocyte commencement.


Lemons – Sour fruit such as lemons, promotes the release of vital digestive enzymes from the pancreas. Limes and kiwi fruit are also valuable for the smooth running of the pancreas.