Saturday, October 26, 2019

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Portable Hot Water Station

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Day Neutral Strawberry Plants

Day Neutral Strawberry Plants

Despite having a reputation of being difficult to grow, strawberry plants can thrive in home gardens. Strawberry plants produce a sweet fruit packed with vitamin C, and need little space to grow and develop. A well-maintained and cared for strawberry plant can produce berries for several years. Strawberries are typically harvested in May or June, but day-neutral varieties continue to produce fruit from April through October, and even year-round in certain climates

Planting Tips

When selecting day-neutral strawberries for the home garden, look for healthy plants certified disease-free. Once you have your plants, select a growing site not used to grow eggplant, peppers, potatoes or tomatoes for at least three years. The site should also receive full sun for much of the day. Soil must be well-drained; all strawberry plants prefer sandy loam. If necessary, mix in compost to improve drainage. Raised beds of 6 to 8 inches or containers also work well for strawberry plants. For the first six weeks after planting day-neutral varieties, remove all flower buds. After the six weeks have passed, allow buds to flower so that the plant can begin to produce berries.

Growth and Care

Temperature and climate affect the growth and development of strawberries, with the most flavorful fruit produced in areas with sunny days and cool nights. In addition, strawberries grown in warm humid conditions will be less firm than fruit from areas with cooler temperatures. To increase the yield of day-neutral strawberry plants, remove runners that develop. For optimum growth, add fertilizer to soil around plants each spring, and keep plant areas free of weeds. Day-neutral plants should produce well for at least two to three years; if you see a drop-off in production, replanting in fresh soil – especially for plants potted in containers – can help to revitalize strawberry plants.

Common Varieties

Gardeners looking to plant day-neutral strawberries have many cultivars to choose from. For flavor, some recommended varieties include “Aptos,” “Chander,” “Fern,” “Irvine,” “Pajaro” and “Tioga.” If you are looking specifically for day-neutral varieties well suited for a container garden, “Albion,” “Evie” and “Seascape” are good choices. Other well-liked day-neutral cultivars include “Selva,” “Muir,” “Hecker,” “Tristar,” “Tribute” and “Everest. Remember, however, that certain varieties are better adapted for a region than others; therefore, check with a local nursery or extension office for their recommendations as well.