Sunday, December 7, 2014

NO WHEAT - The Oatiest Oatmeal Cookies Ever


16 ounces old-fashioned rolled oats
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Pinch kosher salt
10 ounces unsalted butter, at room temperature
6 ounces dark brown sugar
3 1/2 ounces granulated sugar
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 ounces raisins, optional


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

Spread oats into a single layer on a half sheet pan. Bake until lightly toasted, about 20 minutes . Cool the oats for 2 to 3 minutes on the pan.

Grind 8 ounces of toasted oats in a food processor until the consistency of whole wheat flour, about 3 minutes. Add the baking powder, cinnamon and salt to the food processor and pulse 2 to 3 times to combine. Set aside.

Combine the butter and sugars in the bowl of a stand mixer and mix on medium speed using the paddle attachment until light in color, about 3 minutes. Stop once to scrape down the sides of the bowl. Reduce the mixer speed to the lowest speed and add the egg and vanilla extract. Mix to combine. Slowly add the flour mixture until just combined. Stop once to scrape down the sides of the bowl. Add the remaining toasted oats and the raisins. Stir to combine.

Scoop the dough with a 1 1/2-ounce disher onto parchment-lined half sheet pans, leaving 2 inches between each mound. Bake until the cookies begin to brown around the edges, 12 to14 minutes. Rotate the pan halfway through cooking. Cool on the pans for 2 minutes, and then move to a cooling rack to cool completely.

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NO WHEAT - Soft Oatmeal Spice Carob Cookies

Soft Oatmeal Spice Carob Cookies

Soft, Chewy, Vegan and Gluten Free Carob Chip cookies! This recipe was not tested by Bob's Red Mill. Lactose Free, Low Cal, Low Carb, Low Sugar.


Step 1

Preheat your oven to 400°F and line a baking tray (or two!) with parchment paper.

Step 2

In a mixer combine coconut oil, stevia baking blend, pumpkin, molasses and brown sugar.

Step 3

In a separate medium bowl stir together rolled oats, oat flour, millet flour, cinnamon, baking soda and salt.

Step 4

Slowly add the dry ingredients and carob chips into your mixer with the wet ingredients until well incorporated.

Step 5

Using a tablespoon, scoop cookie dough and form a nice round disk and lightly pat to flatten just a bit.

Step 6

Bake for 9 minutes.

Step 7

When finished, let cookies cool a few minutes before removing to cooling rack.

Yield 36 cookies.

Monday, November 3, 2014

How Much Sun Do Strawberry Plants Need? 10hours

How Much Sun Do Strawberry Plants Need?  10hours
Plant strawberries on a cool day with plenty of cloud cover. Excessive sun exposure or heat will damage new plants and stunt their growth. Strawberries are best planted in early spring. Choose a bed with full-sun exposure.

Growing Season

During the growing season, strawberries need full sun. At least six hours of full sun a day are required for healthy growth. Better fruit and stronger plants result from 10 hours of sun daily.

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Growing Season

During the growing season, strawberries need full sun. At least six hours of full sun a day are required for healthy growth. Better fruit and stronger plants result from 10 hours of sun daily


Container Planting


Strawberries also grow well in containers. If you grow strawberries in containers, set your plants outdoors for at least six hours of full sun. If weather or climate prevents this, use a grow lamp to give your strawberries six to 10 hours of light a day

Read more :

During the growing season, strawberries need full sun. At least six hours of full sun a day are required for healthy growth. Better fruit and stronger plants result from 10 hours of sun daily

Read more :

 Strawberries also grow well in containers. If you grow strawberries in containers, set your plants outdoors for at least six hours of full sun. If weather or climate prevents this, use a grow lamp to give your strawberries six to 10 hours of light a day 



Plant strawberries on a cool day with plenty of cloud cover. Excessive sun exposure or heat will damage new plants and stunt their growth. Strawberries are best planted in early spring. Choose a bed with full-sun exposure.

Read more :
How Much Sun Do Strawberry Plants Need?

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Plant type: Fruit
USDA Hardiness Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Sun exposure: Full Sun
Soil type: Loamy
Soil pH: Slightly Acidic to Neutral
These sweet, juicy berries are treats when right off the plant. Supermarket berries tend to be tart with grainy texture; this is because the natural sugar in the berries begins converting to starch as soon as it is plucked from the plant. It’s definitely worth your while to try planting your own strawberries, and the good news is that they are relatively easy to grow if you have full sun.
Strawberry plants come in three types:

  • Day-Neutral: Insensitive to day length, these varieties produce buds, fruits and runners continuously if temperature remains between 35 and 85. Production is less than that of Junebearers.
  • Everbearer: These varieties form buds during the long days of summer and the short days of autumn. The summer-formed buds flower and fruit in autumn, and the autumn-formed buds fruit the following spring.
  • Junebearer: Length-of-day sensitive, these varieties produce buds in the autumn, flowers and fruits the following spring, and runners during the long days of summer.
For the home garden, we recommend Junebearers. Although you will have to wait a year for fruit harvesting, it will be well worth it.


  • Buy disease-resistant plants from a reputable nursery, of a variety recommended in your area.
  • Plan to plant as soon as the ground can be worked in the Spring.
  • Strawberries are sprawling plants. Seedlings will send out runners, or ‘daughter’ plants, which in turn will send out their own runners.
  • Make planting holes deep and wide enough to accommodate the entire root system without bending it. However, don’t plant too deep: The roots should be covered, but the crown should be right at the soil surface.
  • Provide adequate space for sprawling. Set plants out 20 inches apart, and leave 4 feet between rows.
  • Roots shouldn’t be longer than 8 inches when plants are set out. Trim them if necessary.
  • pH should be between 5.5 and 7. If necessary, amend your soil in advance.
  • Strawberries require 6-10 hours a day of direct sunlight, so choose your planting site accordingly.
  • Tolerant of different soil types, although prefer loam. Begin working in aged manure or compost a couple months before planting.
  • Planting site must be well-drained. Raised beds are a particularly good option for strawberries.
  • Practice crop rotation for the most success. Do not plant in a site that recently had strawberries, tomatoes, peppers, or eggplant.
  • Establish new plants each year to keep berry quality high each season.


  • In the first year, pick off blossoms to discourage plants from fruiting. If not allowed to bear fruit, they will spend their food reserves on developing healthy roots. The yields will be much greater in the second year.
  • Eliminate daughter plants as needed. First and second generations produce higher yields. Try to space each plant about 10 inches apart.
  • Moisture is incredibly important due to shallow roots. Water adequately, about one inch per week. They need a lot of water when the runners and flowers are developing and again in the fall when the plants are mature.
  • Keep the beds mulched to reduce water needs and weed invasion.
  • Be diligent about weeding. Weed by hand, especially in the first months after planting.
  • When the growing season is over, mow or cut foliage down to one inch and mulch plants about 4 inches deep with straw, pine needles or other organic material. This can be done after the first couple of frosts, or when air temps reach 20 F.
  • Remove mulch in early spring, after danger of frost has passed.
  • Row covers are a good option for protecting blossoms and fruit from birds.



  • Fruit is ready for harvesting 4–6 weeks after blossoming.
  • Harvest only fully red (ripe) berries, and pick every three days.
  • Cut by the stem; do not pull the berry.
  • Harvest will last up to 3 weeks. You should have an abundance of berries, depending on the variety.
  • Store unwashed berries in the refrigerator for 3–5 days.
  • Strawberries can be frozen whole for about 2 months.
  • Watch our video on How to Make Strawberry Preserves!

Recommended Varieties

Try planting more than one variety. Each will respond differently to conditions, and you will have a range of different fruits to enjoy.
  • ‘Northeaster’ is best suited for the northeastern US and southeastern Canada. Fruit has strong flavor and aroma.
  • ‘Sable’ is hardy to zone 3, early season, great flavor.
  • ‘Primetime’ is a mild-flavored, disease resistant variety, best adapted to the Mid-Atlantic.
  • ‘Cardinal’ is a good variety to try in the South.
  • ‘Camarosa’ is a good variety to try on the West Coast.
  • source:

Apricot Dump Cake

Apricot Dump Cake

Ingredients 1 stick Blue Bonnet Light Margarine, melted 2 (15 oz) cans Taste of the West Apricots, undrained 1 box Betty Crocker Super Moist Yellow Cake Mix whipped topping (optional)

Didier, Chef (2012-06-15). Top 19 Dump Cake Recipes (Kindle Locations 520-526).  . Kindle Edition.

40 Fruits, vegetables and herbs that will grow in partial shade

We all know that most garden crops want as much sun as possible. Tomatoes, melons and peppers will positively pout if they don't get oodles of light. What you may not realize is that many other garden crops will do quite well with limited sunlight.
Which plants will put up with lower light levels?
A general rule is that plants grown for their stems, leaves or buds generally tolerate light shade fairly well. Those grown for roots or fruits tend to need more sun.
That said, even many of these crops will also tolerate light shade, simply providing smaller yields. These are noted on the list with an asterisk (*).
The following crops will grow with as little as three to six hours of sun per day, or constant dappled shade. While size or yields may be affected in some instances, taste will be just as good.
  1. Lettuce
  2. Arugula
  3. Spinach
  4. Broccoli *
  5. Green onions
  6. Cabbage *
  7. Parsley
  8. Sorrel
  9. Garlic
  10. Mint
  11. Collards
  12. Endive
  13. Cress
  14. Cauliflower *
  15. Peas *
  16. Currants
  17. Pak Choy
  18. Beets *
  19. Kohlrabi *
  20. Brussels Sprouts
  21. Mustard greens
  22. Thyme
  23. Coriander
  24. Tarragon
  25. Radishes
  26. Cardamom
  27. Potatoes *
  28. Rhubarb *
  29. Swiss Chard
  30. Kale
  31. Turnips *
  32. Carrots *
  33. Sweet potatoes and yams *
  34. Gooseberries
  35. Cilantro
  36. Dill
  37. Lemon Balm
  38. Strawberries *
  39. Beans *
  40. Blackberries and raspberries *
Keep in mind:
  • If trees or other plants are the source of shade, garden plants may not only have to compete for light but also nutrients and water.
  • The amount of shade may vary by the seasons when the angle of the sun is different. Study your land carefully and see if sunlight is a bigger or smaller problem than you may have thought later in the season.
  • Bright and light surfaces nearby (such as white fences or walls) can increase the amount of light plants get.
  • Morning shade and afternoon shade differ in their effects on garden plants. Some cool season vegetables may actually prefer lots of morning sun and then shade during the hot summer afternoons.
  • Areas with partial shade in the afternoon can also extend the growing season for some cool season crops that are prone to bolting during higher heat, such as lettuce.
  • Pay attention to air circulation. Walls and branches can block air flow, allowing moisture to build up and encourage some diseases. Plant crops with more space between them in shady areas, and be careful to water around the root area and not soak leaves from above.
  • It's even more important to keep weeds at bay for shade crops that are already competing for light, water and nutrients in less ideal conditions.
  • Pruning nearby trees and bushes can dramatically help increase sun exposure.


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Growing Potatoes in a Laundry Basket

Growing Potatoes in a Laundry Basket


I bought the laundry baskets at a local dollar

store (I have 2 baskets).  I filled the baskets with about 2" of soil & compost, then put a seed potato into each basket (each potato was cut into about 3 pieces with 2-3 eyes each).  I then covered the potato with soil, and have been gradually filling the baskets with soil as the potatoes grow, simulating "hilling" the potatoes in a garden.  The garden center that recommended this method to me said each basket should yield 8-10 lbs of potatoes.  So far, so good!  It's been fun with our kids too, because the potatoes are growing out of the holes in the sides of the baskets. Be sure to keep the baskets watered well - it takes some patience (ie - slow watering) to not have all the water run out the sides of the basket.

You can use grocery store potatoes if need be, but most are bred and treated to NOT grow eyes quickly or easily, and they very likely may not be organic. You can order seed potatoes through a variety of online sources (Google organic seed poatoes and you'll find a ton) or you can likely find some at a local garden center. Heck I think last year I even saw them at the WalMart garden center (non-organic). You'll likely have quicker growth and a more plentiful yield from seed potatoes. I also now line the laundry baskets with straw to help keep the dirt in, but still allow the potato shoots to grow through the sides. And yes, when you "hill" the potatoes you cover up all but the top few leaves. It's best to hill every 7-10 days and add a little dirt more often than a whole bunch of dirt over a big chunk of the plant at once.



Today, our sweet friend Jen, from Blissful 55 is guest posting on Dirty Laundry. No, I am not talking about the problems and dirty little secrets of our lives….we are talking legit, dirty, smelly, laundry; or more importantly, how we get that dirty laundry clean.  DYI Laundry Soap
It took me a while to come around to the idea of making my own laundry soap. I tend to be very particular about my laundry detergent. I need it to not fade my colors, smell good, and most importantly clean well. I do not have children at home who like to get their clothes extremely dirty but I do have a husband who insist on coming home from softball games each week looking like the Dirt Monster (he enjoys sliding…and is usually always safe). I have never opted for just the cheapest, non-smelling detergent. I love my clothes and was always worried that, by paying for the cheapest detergent possible, I would “get what I paid for”. My favorite detergent was Gain’s “Liquid Apple Mango Tango” with the coordinating fabric softener.
It met my every need, with the exception of the price tag. We always bought the size that says it contains 48 loads for $10.97 (Wal-Mart price) and that was just the detergent. The fabric softener was $4.47 for 52 loads. Both lasted us around 3 months based on our 4 loads of laundry a week. That brings the total to around $60-$65 a year. I don’t know about you but I would like to have all the extra money I can get. The husbands law school expenses tend to cut down on my craft budget and that is just unacceptable! I need my crafts to keep my sanity so I started looking for ways to save money. I was seriously a huge skeptic when it came to homemade laundry soap but when I realized the price difference, I just had to try it! I did a ton of research and looked up so many varying recipes and then determined what I thought would be best. I tried one smaller batch, thought it was okay but knew there was room for improvement so I went back and did more, yup you guessed it….research! I’m thrilled to say that it was all worth it and I love our homemade laundry detergent. So what do I have to do to entice you to run to the store and get these ingredients? How about I share how much it cost….are you ready? Try approximately $28…A YEAR! That’s based on 6 loads of laundry a week (It’s just me and Mr. Awesome at home so we normally only do around 4, which means this will last around 18 months!) Now let’s get started.
You will need…
1 (4 lb 12 oz) Box of Borax- Found in the detergent aisle
1 (3 lb 7 oz) Box of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda- Found in the detergent aisle
1 (3 lb) Container of OxyClean- Found in the detergent aisle. (This is optional but I highly recommend adding it)
2 (14.1 oz) Bars of Zote Soap- Found in the detergent aisle (we chose to do pink for the scent but the white would be just fine. You can also use Fels Naptha)
1 (4 lb) Box of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda- Found in the cooking aisle (You could also get two 2 lb box, we couldn’t find the larger 4lb box when we went)
1-2 (55 oz) Bottle of Purex Crystals Fabric Softener- or use 3-4 bottles of Scentsy Washer Whiffs. Scentsy washer whiffs are my top choice, (they smell out-of-this-world amazing – my favorite is Quiver), but when in a hurry, I opt for the Purex, (which can be found in the detergent aisle).
The hardest most time consuming part is grating the cheese soap. The hubs thinks it looks like pink cheese….has anyone ever seen pink cheese? Ya didn’t think so! I’m not fortunate enough to have a food processor so I was stuck doing this with a typical hand grater. I did try a blender just for kicks and giggles….total fail! Stick to either a hand grater or food processor if you are blessed enough to have one. I should make it known that the soap dissolves just fine, even in cold water. I know that tends to be a concern but you need not worry. Oh and I would recommend using a large mixing bowl to grate into and using the fine side of the grater.
  DYI Laundry Soap
Another option is to microwave the soap before hand. First, cut the bar into chunks, like this:

Pop it into the microwave for about a minute. It will expand… a lot…but then it is dry and just crumbles into tiny bits!
DIY laundry detergentDIY laundry detergent
DIY laundry detergent

The hardest part is now over and all that’s left is to mix everything together. I used a very large bucket that I got from my Father-in-Law and took a layering approach to mix it easier. I took a small amount of each ingredient and layered it on top of each other, then I grabbed a large mixing spoon and mixed it together. I did this probably 5 times but it was so much easier than dumping all the ingredients in at once and then trying to mix it well.
DIY laundry detergent
Here it is in all it’s mixed up glory.
DIY laundry detergent

Colleen Lanning <>


to Tim
This batch makes A TON! Now for probably the best part…you only need 1-2 Tablespoons per load depending on the size…I’ll give you some time to re-read that since I’m sure your in total disbelief…recover yet? That’s right, you only need 1-2 Tablespoons per load! Now here comes the stroke of genius, if you opted to put the Purex Crystals in your batch, you can scoop the detergent right into your bottle and use the cap as your measuring spoon. There are 3 lines on the side and the middle one is approximately 2 Tablespoons…genius right?
Just to give you an idea of how long this bottle lasts, I’ve used about half this bottle and have done around 40 loads, not to mention the huge amount still left in my bucket.
I know that I’m not the only skeptic out their so to put your mind at ease, take a look at the comments!
I thought I would answer the question that has been sent in the most by our readers. The question is how well it worked in a High Efficiency Washer. It actually works really well! This is mostly because it doesn’t create any suds. It took me some time to get used to that but it is actually better for the washer.
Hope this motivates you all to run out and make our own batch. We would love to hear from you whether it be your questions, concerns, or reviews of the soap after you have made it. And don’t forget to stop by and check out Blissful 55′s other projects!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Lilac Care

Lilac Care – Growing And Planting Lilac Bush Plants

By Nikki Phipps
(Author of The Bulb-o-licious Garden [1])
A longtime favorite, the lilac bush (Syringa vulgaris) is typically grown for its intense fragrance and beautiful blooms. Flowers can range in color from pink to purple; however, white and yellow varieties are also available. They can add a good source of shade or privacy when planted as a hedgerow. Lilacs range from dwarf varieties up to eight feet tall or larger growing ones that can reach heights up to thirty feet. With proper lilac tree care, these lovely plants can last decades in your garden.

Planting Lilac Bush

Spring or fall is the best time for planting lilac bushes. Situate the lilac with its roots spread vertically in the ground and make the hole both deep and wide enough to accommodate them. If planting more than one lilac bush, space them at least five feet apart to prevent overcrowding, even if you plan to use them as hedges for privacy.
Choose an area with plenty of afternoon sun and well-drained soil. Since lilacs prefer good drainage, planting lilac bushes in slightly elevated areas is recommended whenever possible. Following planting lilac bushes, water them thoroughly and add a layer of loose mulch. Keep the mulch thick enough to keep out weeds and retain some moisture but light enough not to hold too much.

Care of Lilac Bushes

Since lilacs are considered low-maintenance shrubs, the general care of lilac bushes is minimal, with exception to regular pruning.
Although lilacs tolerate a range of soil types, they prefer well-drained, humus-rich soil. Therefore, working compost in with the soil will help create a suitable planting soil for them. They should be watered thoroughly but not too often, as lilacs do not like their roots to become saturated.
Frequent use of fertilizer is not necessary for lilac tree care. However, fertilizing in early spring may help give blooms a boost, provided there is not too much nitrogen, which will result in insufficient flowering [2].
Although usually hardy, lilac bushes are occasionally bothered by insect pests, such as borers. Keep an eye out for any signs of pest problems and treat immediately. In some cases, spraying with soapy water will be sufficient enough to care of insects. However, if heavy infestations occur, pruning the entire plant may be necessary for lilac tree care and health.
Pruning is important for lilac care. Keeping lilac bushes well pruned [3] will also prevent the chance of disease, such as powdery mildew.

Propagating Lilac Bushes

Lilacs are typically clump forming, producing new shoots from the base of the trunk. These shoots can be used for propagating lilac bushes. Dig down from the main clump, exposing the roots and cut the shoot away from the mother plant. Make sure you include roots. Then simply plant the shoot in a suitable location, watering regularly until it takes hold.
With proper planting and care of lilac bushes, anyone can enjoy the beauty of these low-maintenance shrubs.

Article printed from Gardening Know How:
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URLs in this post:
[1] The Bulb-o-licious Garden:
[2] insufficient flowering:
[3] Keeping lilac bushes well pruned:
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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Focaccia-Style Flax Bread

Focaccia-Style Flax Bread

 "focaccia" because it is baked in that style -- flat on a sheet pan, and then cut up into whatever sized pieces you want. It works for toast, sandwiches, and other bready uses. It is "rough" in texture like heavy whole grain breads. Since it isn't made with wheat, it doesn't have the same kind of grain as wheat breads, but the carb in flax is almost all fiber. Flax is very useful on a low carb diet, as well as being amazingly good for you.

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total Time: 35 minutes


  • 2 cups flax seed meal
  • 1 Tablespoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1-2 Tablespoons sugar equivalent from artificial sweetener
  • 5 beaten eggs
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/3 cup oil


Preheat oven to 350 F. Prepare pan (a 10X15 pan with sides works best) with oiled
parchment paper or a silicone mat.

1) Mix dry ingredients well -- a whisk works well.

2) Add wet to dry, and combine well. Make sure there aren't obvious strings of egg white hanging out in the batter.

3) Let batter set for 2 to 3 minutes to thicken up some (leave it too long and it gets past the point where it's easy to spread.)

4) Pour batter onto pan. Because it's going to tend to mound in the middle, you'll get a more even thickness if you spread it away from the center somewhat, in roughly a rectangle an inch or two from the sides of the pan (you can go all the way to the edge, but it will be thinner).

5) Bake for about 20 minutes, until it springs back when you touch the top and/or is visibly browning even more than flax already is.

6) Cool and cut into whatever size slices you want. You don't need a sharp knife; I usually just cut it with a spatula. 
Nutritional Information: Each of 12 servings has less than a gram of effective carbohydrate (.7 grams to be exact) plus 5 grams fiber, 6 grams protein, and 185 calories.
comments from web site
 5 out of 5
, Guest Chuck
Great basic recipe! I added some Italian herbs and a bit of parmesan cheese to it and it was very good. Next time I will probably add some more flavor to it in the way of more herbs, etc. As an experiment I put some thinly sliced cheddar cheese layed on top of a slice and microwaved til it melted. That was delicious!!!

5 out of 5 5 out of 5
a life saverApril 22, 2013 By None
I made the bread exactly by the recipe and it turned out perfect. If you have an open mind you will find that this bread can save your diet! I would compare the taste to a dark rye bread. My favorite way to eat it so far is to warm it in the microwave for 15 sec, butter the top then place two over easy eggs on top then drizzle with sugar free syrup. Very filling! Breakfast is always hard for me on low carb diets because I've always been a cereal eater but this bread gives me the grains I'm craving in the morning. The brand I bought (Bob's Red Mill) has 4 carbs and 4 grams of fiber for 0 net carbs plus it's super healthy! What more could you ask for?? I'll be experimenting with other ways of using it for a long time.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
quick and easyApril 21, 2013 By None
Confession: I am not much of a cook or baker. This recipe was so quick and simple to make, even I was able to make it correctly! Even cleaning up afterwards was easy. The bread was yummy, my only recommendation would be to add less salt next time. I used iodised salt, so not sure if this is stronger than regular table salt, but I found the bread just a little too salty for my liking. I'm going to try just a pinch of salt next time.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Just like fluffy cornbreadOctober 25, 2012 By None
I just made this with 2 small changes: half the oil was melted coconut oil, and I added 1/8 tsb more salt. It came out beautifully and everyone in the family loves it. Just like fluffy sweet cornbread, but brown.
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
So good!October 14, 2012 By None
Awesome for grilled cheese! I make a batch in the Wilton cookie pops pans so they are shaped like a bun and then I carefully slice them horizontally into 2 thin slices. I get about 10-12 ""buns"" per batch. Just made a batch and substituted canned pumpkin for some of the eggs, added low carb sweetener, lots of pumpkin pie spice and baked them in mini muffin tins.
6 of 6 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
Focaccia Flax BreadSeptember 30, 2012 By None
I have made these in a muffin tin and they turned out great. Great for a carry with you snack.
4 of 4 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Yum!September 28, 2012 By None
Excellent! I used 1 cup liquid egg whites instead of the 5 eggs called for. Less cholesterol and no difference in taste.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Very easy, very goodSeptember 19, 2012 By None
The hubs and I are trying a low carb diet, and we were really missing bread. This surprisingly light loaf was perfect! The batter was well behaved, spreading out into a nice oval shape and cooking evenly, with a nice crunchy crust. It was yummy warm with a little butter, and tomorrow, it will go well as sandwich bread. One caution: the brownness of the flax meal makes you think the bread is ""doner"" than it is. Let it cook until the crust gets a tad crunchy for best effect - the inside will still be soft.
7 of 7 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
THE BEST and EASY to makeSeptember 08, 2012 By None
I just made this today. It is WONDERFUL. I have been on a low carb/no carb lifestyle change and wanted to try this because I miss bread and bread products.....This is simply THE BEST!
9 of 9 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
all purpose breadSeptember 03, 2012 By None
I made this according to directions to go with dinner one night. It was like a whole grain bread with the texture of cornbread. The best part though, was the next day when we heated up the leftovers, added butter and sugar free maple syrup. made me forget all about making the almond meal pancakes I had planned. I can see that this bread may be more versatile than I had originally thought. Thanks!
5 of 5 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
September 02, 2012 By None
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Delightful and easy to follow recipe- great resultSeptember 02, 2012 By None
A really beautiful 'loaf' came out of this recipe. I had to use a smaller pan, and one without baking paper (but oiled the pan really well). Turned out great. Delicious, with lovely texture and flavour. So easy to make that although I'm not on a GF diet or low carb one, this bread is going to be made weekly in my home. Nice to have a fresh and simple recipe. Thanks! :)
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
3 out of 5 3 out of 5
Confused.August 27, 2012 By None
Just popped mine in the oven. I followed the exact recipe and let it sit 2-3 mins before putting in pan. Mine was no where near the consistency as shown in the video. Too liquid to spread. It just spread on its own. Hope it turns out.
1 of 6 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
August 08, 2012 By None
This is very good bread, I have made it about 4 times and think next time I may try a little spice/herb, just not sure what would be good. Any ideas?
10 of 11 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Wonderful bread; here's a chocolate versionAugust 05, 2012 By None
I made this according to the recipe & enjoyed it, then made modifications for my taste. Modifications: First, mix dry ingredients together in a bowl (reduced salt to 1/2 tsp) . In another bowl, whisk wet ingredients (water=1/2 cup; hazelnut oil 1/4 cup; agave syrup 2 tbs). Cooked in a 10 in cast iron skillet w/ unoiled parchment paper @ 375 for 20 min. Chocolate version: to dry ingredients add 1/2 c. dutch process cocoa power; to wet ingredients increase agave nectar to 4 TBS total. Figuring 8 servings, calorie/carb/fat/protein is 206/20/12/11. Note that fiber carbs = 10 for net carb of 10. Supposedly, agave is a low glycemic sweetner. I liked the taste of this.
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
GREAT!!!July 22, 2012 By None
Of course you can't really compare this to having a slice of good ol' normal white bread. BUT for what it is, it's AMAZING!!!! I am allergic to gluten and eat low carb. So for me, this is a great bread. I love to toast it and put some peanut butter on it. Sooooo good!!!!! I don't know that I would like it for a sandwich because the flavor is a little strong, but it sure does satisfy my cravings for bread :)
7 of 7 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
gastro-nomicalJuly 21, 2012 By None
what a find....just made this bread and added some fresh rosemary and sea salt flakes with lashings of olive oil served with extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar dip and what a treat! Atkins just got a whole lot better... Thank you!
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
microwave directions, please!July 20, 2012 By None
I love this bread. It is a staple for me . I make it every week and vary the seasonings. I could not continue low-carbing without it. I can't tell you how grateful I am for this recipe. My kitchen gets so hot in the summer that I hate to use the oven. Has anyone adapted this recipe for the microwave? I'd appreciate any help you can give me.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
July 17, 2012 By None
""Minnieknows"" nothing. If you search the web you would know lots of your everyday foods have traces of cyanide. Some state a little is even possibly beneficial. Spinich,soy,lima beans,almonds Is also in most any fruits ..cherries, apricots, and apples. You can't avoid everything. Doctors tell you to eat your fruits and veggies and lots of them :))))
0 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
July 06, 2012 By None
can you advise on how much a cup is when measuring as mine as not worked out as it should
0 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Wow! What a health blessing!June 03, 2012 By None
First time followed recipe exact: I used coconut oil and 2 tablespoons of JustLikeSugar (jar Whole Foods) for a sweetener. Baked in small toaster oven; pan size 8 ½ X 6 ½ X ½ inches on greased non-stick foil (followed Laura’s recipe re lower center and filled up to higher edge; baked up to one inch high in approximately 20 minutes, when cooled cut into 6 large pieces, each piece sliced in half with wax paper in between then placed into sandwich bags and into larger storage container; total 12 filling portions (minus what I ate immediately) ideal for regular toaster reheating after thawed. Delicious and satisfying! Next time, I will attempt to bake in XpressRediSetGo mini muffins pan after quickly filling with different taste sensations in/on each muffin with ingredients suggested by other bakers. This is so fun! Thank you a million times over, dear Laura!
22 of 22 people found this review helpful.
1 out of 5 1 out of 5
Flaxseed is not healthyJune 02, 2012 By None
Eating more than 2 spoons of whole flaxseeds per day is not a recommended by your doctor. Why? It contain cyaanide and especially flaxseed flour is especially dangerous as the body picks up the content.
0 of 5 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
June 01, 2012 By None
Delicious! I made 2 adjustments, I used 3 eggs and 1 container of Egg Beaters plus reduced the oil to 1/4 cup. My family loves it!
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
easy to make this with fewer caloriesMay 28, 2012 By None
I make this every other day...I make 1/2 the recipie but use 2/3 of a small container of unsweetened applesauce ( be sure to buy the one with 10 carbs or less) - I use 1/2 c egg beaters, and cinnimon. I put it all in a glass pan for 30 minutes. I have this down to approx 8 squares at 80 to 85 calories each, not the 185 in the original. there may be around 1 carb per slice...but that is not much with the added bonus of less calories!!!
4 of 4 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Fantastic!!May 13, 2012 By None
As a T2 Diabetic, I have not had a piece of bread in over 2 years. I truly thought I would never have a sandwich or be able to eat a hamburger like a normal person again. Thanks to this recipe, I can now do just that! I love all of the different ideas everyone had so I'll be making this again in many variations. THANK YOU so much for a great, healthy recipe!
7 of 7 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
chia seed sustitutionMay 02, 2012 By None
i can't eat flaxseed so i substituted chia seed with 1/2 cup tapioca. mine isn't as high as the picture but i'll sure take it. i can't believe that the recipe (original) only has .7 carbs! even though it feels like cheating, i can't stop eating it. (not like i wanted too anyway!)
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Great BreadApril 25, 2012 By None
I've just made this recipe exactly and am going to tell everyone I know about it. Like a lot of others I was reluctant to try flax meal as I'd heard it tasted awful, but I think people who say that must have had some that's gone rancid. I bought it in the supermarket and it had on the packet that it was designed to reduce oxygenisation which might be important. Anway, have read other reviews and will experiment. I'm going to try freezing some of it to see how it goes. Has anyone else frozen theirs?
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
April 25, 2012 By None
This far exceeded my expectations. My young boys loved it, saying it tasted great. We tested it with sunbutter, cream cheese, and sunbutter and jelly. All tasted delicious!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Focaccia BreadApril 25, 2012 By None
some of the best self made bread I've made so far. Tastes great and gives you plenty of room for your own flavor additives. I found it wonderful!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Focaccia Flax BreadMarch 22, 2012 By None
I stumbled on this recipe and gave it a go. My DH, now on a no starch diet, is overjoyed to have ""bread"". I have made this with additives like sun-dried tomatoes, cheddar cheese, jalapenos, and one substituted 1/4 cup of water with 1/2 cup of salsa. All turned out well and were just as well received, I even directed company to this site. Thanks for posting this, sure made my live easier and there is a lot of less grumble at the table now.
42 of 44 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Can't make regular bread, but I can make this.March 22, 2012 By None
Super easy- tastes like everything I miss about bread, and more! I added dried herbs for a more foccacia like effect and it worked wonderfully.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Absolutely Great!March 09, 2012 By None
Started Atkins this week and was looking for a bread substitute that was acceptable. Very easy to make, followed recipe exactly. Came out great and was very tasty. It's also great toasted. Definitely a ""keeper"".
9 of 9 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
March 04, 2012 By None
The hardest part for me with the low carb diet is that I crave PB and jelly toast every so often, and this helped with that. Tastes pretty good toasted and with PB and sugar-free jelly! I think it will be a great toasted and tuna salad on it also. And it was so easy to make.
7 of 7 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
AmazingMarch 01, 2012 By None
This has become a staple for me. I have found, though that it's best to pour the batter onto the pan without letting it sit for the recommended couple of minutes - it comes out fluffier that way. Thank you so much for this recipe!
3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Bread substituteFebruary 28, 2012 By None
I found this a tasty substitute for bread on a low carbohydrate diet. It is quick and easy to make. Definitely recommend this and will make it again!
3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
flax breadFebruary 27, 2012 By None
10 out of ten for me loved it now i feel complete what with this bread,colli rice ,and colli mash , im so gratefull for all these clever people who think them up thank's maria129
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
3 out of 5 3 out of 5
February 12, 2012 By None
I'm worried about cholesterol and blood pressure. Would 10 egg whites be fine? What would be a salt substitute?
3 of 8 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Flax BreadFebruary 02, 2012 By None
If you are in a low carb diet due to losing weight , remember that a slice of Foccacia Flax Bread has 185 calories, two slices 370 calories,plus what you have in your sanwich will be 700-800 calories.Just eat 2 eggs for breakfast and then have a portion of Brasil Nuts or some fruits for lunch. Leave for dinner one slice of bread to enjoy better your meal and you will be way under 1500 cal/day. See all Paleo diet recipes.
3 of 9 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
I am impressedJanuary 27, 2012 By None
I like this recipe because it was easy,a decent taste and low carb. I used butter instead oil because i didnt have olive oil. I added ginger and cinnamon and used vanilla sugar free torani syrup.It actually turned out pretty good for bread anyway. this recipe DEFINETLY will help me continue my low carb diet.Now i can have bread for my sandwiches. I am not into writing reviews, but this recipe deserve it.Thank!
5 of 5 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
good basic recipeJanuary 16, 2012 By None
Been using this for a basic recipe for a while now. Love all the variation suggestions. My latest - and favorite - version is a smaller amount, without the water, and only 1 Tbsp oil, to make six ""buns."" I don't have to fuss with resting or spreading, and the flavor's still good. A 3"" round spreads to bun size. I use 1/3 c golden flaxseed, 2/3 c regular, 3 eggs, 1 t baking powder, 1/4 t baking soda, scant 1/4 t salt, and 1/2 pkg splenda. Sprinkle 'em with a tiny amount of sesame, and bake for only 8 min.
12 of 12 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Focaccia Flax BreadJanuary 15, 2012 By None
Skeptical as I was I tried this bread. I just emailed everyone with the recipe. It is more than edible, it is very good. I will be making a lot more of it. I am very new to this low carb business but it is paying off.
3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Yummy!January 11, 2012 By None
I tried this recipe today as I'm getting more serious about my T2 diabetes in 2012. This bread is EXCELLENT! It's easy, tasty, and filling! I look forward to trying some flavor variations and making the pizza dough version. Thanks for sharing this yummy recipe! Kevin
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
great bread!January 08, 2012 By None
I have tried other low carb recipes in the past, with no success. Just too fake, weird tasting, weird textures. This came out great. I am a whole grain fan, so I love the nutty taste and grainy texture. I can't wait to make different variations. I used regular flax seed meal first time, so I will try it with golden next time, and let it sit a little longer, because my first batter wasn't as firm as shown in the video. But, those points aside, this recipe is a keeper! Thank you so much!
3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
A breakfast lifesaver!January 02, 2012 By None
Since I started following a paleo diet a few months back I've always found breakfast the most difficult meal. I missed cereal and toast and didn't always fancy meat or eggs but nuts, seeds and fruits didn't fill me up which meant I struggled with my late morning gym sessions. Since discovering this recipe I've felt much more satisfied throughout the morning and haven't felt the need to snack so much. I tend to make half the above as I find I can't eat the full recipe quick enough and haven't yet tried freezing it. I like to add dried fruit, ground ginger and almond essence for a delicious sweet bread recipe and I'm also planning to make it as a savoury recipe to eat with peanut butter as it's so easy to make. Thank you for a wonderful breakfast lifesaver!
5 of 5 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
It worksJanuary 01, 2012 By None
I have made this recipe 30-40 times. Have tried virtually everything I could think of to improve the recipe. For now, I use 1/4 cup of splenda, 1/4 stick of butter, 4 eggs and water to thin the recipe (maybe 1/3 or 1/2 cup) as well as the usual t-salt and T-baking powder. I have 3 types of cooking utensils: a silicone mat, a silicone pan, and a silicone cupcake pan. When making cupcakes, I double the splenda, throw in 3T of oil, throw in blueberries, nuts, olives ...... you name it. I buy flaxseed meal in bulk from Bob. The crazy thing about this recipe is that the baking time at 350 is very forgiving depending what you're baking. Thin bread can be 40 minutes, cupcakes 45 minutes, regular bread 30 min. My next project is to try and make pie crust out of flaxseed.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
1 out of 5 1 out of 5
DisappointingDecember 13, 2011 By None
It was my first attempt at cooking low-carbs recipes and it was downright frustrating. It tastes like sweet nutty egg.
7 of 15 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
DeliciousNovember 29, 2011 By None
I followed the recipe exactly and found the bread to be way to salty. The next time I reduced the salt by half and added dill and anise as suggested in another review. It was very very good. We especially enjoyed it toasted with sugar free jam. Thank you so much for sharing.
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Focaccia Flax BreadNovember 27, 2011 By None
Oh Laura, this was WONDERFUL!!! I have been putting off making this bread for months, and for what reason? I have no idea! It is absolutely delicious exactly the way it is written. Since it said 1/3 C oil, all I had was Coconut oil. OMG! The texture reminds me of the first time I had whole wheat bread! The taste is excellent!! Thank you so much for a healthy and wonderful recipe!! Just perfect, thank you again!!! (and your Almond Pancake recipe also hit the mark!!!) You're the best with these recipes!!! : )
3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Great tasting!!November 14, 2011 By None
WOW!! This is a wonderful recipe!! I will be making this from now on. All my kids loved it! Also, a trick if you spread the mixture all the way to the pan, cool about 15 minutes like stated in recipe, then flip the bread over and peel the parchment paper off that way and it will not tear the bread. Just be careful flipping it, I had no problems messing the bread up doing that. I put fennel seed, parsley, garlic, dill in the mixture and I sprinkled Italian seasoning on top and bake it like that.
6 of 6 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
October 13, 2011 By None
OMG this is awesome! I really wasn't sure about it, when I read through the recipe, but this is better than any bread I've ever tried!! I'm gonna have to make a batch a day ;) Thank you sooo much Laura, you're an angel!! :D
14 of 14 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
New IdeasOctober 05, 2011 By None
I make this bread at least once a week. I try making it different every time. I have made it with cheese and bacon, cinnamon, etc. I have used yogurt. I was not crazy about the taste of the bread in the original recipe. It kind of tasted raw. I tried using less oil, but it made it stick to the pan. I'm so glad I found this bread. I really missed bread since I have been on a low carb diet.
3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Awesome!October 05, 2011 By None
Thanks a lot. First attempt today and was a great success!! I regret the two months I lived craving for bread while this was so easy to make. Thanks again!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
CornbreadOctober 03, 2011 By None
I am a southerner who does not want to live without cornbread. This recipe is a GREAT alternative to cornbread! I did not put the sweetner in it because I do not like sweet cornbread. I baked it in a cast iron muffin pan. It is absolutely fabulous. I greased it with melted bacon grease, just like any respectable cornbread recipe calls for. It is fabulous!
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
GreatSeptember 29, 2011 By None
I did reduce the oil down to a couple TBL because I like mine to be drier. I also think that it is shameful for people to be posting this recipe on other forums without giving credit or links to the work done by Laura.
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Focaccia Flax BreadSeptember 22, 2011 By None
I am Celiac so finding a bread wheat free and low in carbs is great for me. I am just staring on a low carb diet. I am not creatative so reading other reviews has helped expand my horizons. Thanks for a great bread receipe.
4 of 4 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
saved by the bread!!September 22, 2011 By None
this bread is lovely! and it has saved my diet, i am 1 week into a low carb diet and am still struggling with cravings for bread. i almost failed today but thought i would give this a go and i am very happy with the results. i made mine in muffin tins and added grated courgette and cheese. one question though.. is it really so low in carbs?, i almost felt guilty eating it!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
enjoyed this!September 18, 2011 By None
I think that generally speaking, we ""low carbers"" are in a class all of our own...We tend to be somewhat more ""forgiving"" and much more accepting of foods that resemble those that are in a sence ""forbidden"" to us....That being said, I have to say, I agree with the majority of posts on here in saying that this bread is great!!! I think that probably the few who have been very put off by this bread may not have ""crossed over"" into the land of NO CARBS as many of us have. I will say, that I have diligently read through all of the posts, and have scratched down a wealth of information to improve and tweak this bread a little. I am really looking forward to trying these suggestions, even though I have to say that the bread all on it's own is still really good!!! Happy baking!!!
8 of 8 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
surprisingly good!September 18, 2011 By None
This was surprisingly light and tasty. I used coconut oil as suggested and mixed and baked it in a square glass foodsaver - only 1 dish to clean. For those who found it tasted like 'hay', I wonder if the flaxseed was not fresh? I had bought a large tub of ground golden flaxseed, put some in the freezer and the rest in the fridge. About a month ago I made a flaxseed cracker recipe with a batch from the fridge. During baking there was a weird smell and when I tried the results, there was a horrible fishy taste I could not get rid of. So I was a bit hesitant to try this recipe, but I did so with the freezer batch (the fridge batch had been tossed out despite the fact the expiry date was still good). And - no weird fishy smell or taste! I know now to buy only small quantities of ground flaxseed and to store that in the freezer, or to grind my own.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Love this bread.September 17, 2011 By None
I make this all the time, and love it. I was missing bread when I cut back on carbs. Thanks.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
A new favouriteSeptember 15, 2011 By None
Just a note: this bread will not, and cannot, taste like a ""regular"" bread loaf. Be open to enjoying this recipe for what it is: a good, hearty, healthy bread with a nice grainy crumb. I LOVE this recipe, I don't know why it took me so long to try it. In my first attempt I reduced the eggs to 4, used a little less than 1/3 cup canola oil and forgot to add the sweetener - oops. I also made the mistake of using brown flaxmeal instead of golden, so it has a very strong flavour which I don't care for. Next time I will use golden flaxmeal which I hear has a milder flavour and maybe a drop or two of EZ Sweetz. Despite a moderate success in my first attempt, I love this recipe and will make this every week. It is very filling and is great for breakfast. I want to try making this in my jumbo muffin pan, to make flax ""buns"". This bread is delicious toasted with a no-sugar-added fruit spread, which is a comfort to me since toast and jam was my favourite breakfast treat before going low carb. Thank you so much for this recipe!
3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
1 out of 5 1 out of 5
Not if you have a choiceSeptember 14, 2011 By None
Based on the great reviews, and being a lover of flax bread I thought I would give it a try. This is not the recipe you are looking for if you like flax bread. The consistency reminds me of an unsweetened bran muffin. I noticed the ""hay smell"" another reviewer was discussing when it was hot but pushed through it. Tried it seperately with butter and peanut butter but was ultimately disappointed. Could not eat more than 2 small pieces. If you are limited by your options it may be a good substitute if you are craving carbs otherwise avoid this recipe.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Amazing!September 13, 2011 By None
Having gone wheat-free (read Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis), I am so glad I found this recipe! It has saved a little piece of my sanity :)
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
will make again and againSeptember 11, 2011 By None
I do not understand the reviewer that said it smells like hay? Wow makes me wonder what they may have been using instead of flaxseed. I love this. I added some cinnamon and chia seeds and it was great. Today I am going to make a batch with coca powder for the kids. This will be a regular in my lunch box daily. I plan to try all sorts of variations.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
1 out of 5 1 out of 5
Tastes and smells like haySeptember 10, 2011 By None
I made this bread yesterday, and was hoping that it would give me a wonderful result. The texture was great, but I could not get past the smell and taste of the bread-it actually had that very ""hay like"" smell, like you would smell on a farm. I could not even get it to my nose. Tried a taste and had to spit it out. Very disappointing, as I am a new low carber, and was hoping for some ""bread"". Guess I'll stick to store bought low carb wraps until I can come up with a better bread recipe!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Brownies!!September 06, 2011 By None
I do love this recipe- I've got a couple of different versions somewhere in these reviews, but lately have come up with brownies mmmmm. I add 1 cup cocoa, a cup of splenda, substitute apple sauce for the water and oil, and use only 3 eggs. It turns out wonderful!! I especially like it with low-fat cream cheese. YUM! I made a version for my mother who's starting a gluten-free diet, but used real sugar in her's. She loved it too. This recipe is without limits!!
4 of 4 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
September 06, 2011 By None
This bread is a life saver for a low carb lifestyle. I followed the recipe and then added a little chopped onion, garlic, and 1/2 cup of sharp cheddar cheese. Before it had a chance to completely cool, my family had most of the pan gone!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Delish!September 03, 2011 By None
Even my children ate this wonderful bread. We are moving to gluten free and I've been trying out new recipes as we go. I used coconut oil in the bottom of my (glass) pan because I didn't have parchment and it came out fine. No sticking. Next time I make it I'm going to put 2/3 of the batter down and then sprinkle sundried tomatoes, basil and finely chopped onion then drop dollops of the dough on top. Also want to try the pizza stone next time. Who knows, maybe I'll even come up with a chocolate version!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
OMG - This is awesome!August 19, 2011 By None
So I tend to like things that taste healthy & greasy. This can be both. It is on the salty side (as others have mentioned) but I LOVE the taste of salt. If you're not int he same boat, I suggest cutting it down a little. I made this tonight after reading so many great reviews. It really is a miracle for those of us who hate carbs, but love the sandwich fillings ON something other than lettuce! I cannot wait to try mixing this up a little with herbs and spices. Thank you SO much to the author for the recipe!!!
10 of 10 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Fat?August 09, 2011 By None
I love this bread. Does anyone know how much fat is in it?
2 of 3 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Focaccia Flax BreadAugust 05, 2011 By None
I baked this bread using this recipe as written. It enjoyed it very much. However, I am on a 2000 or less calorie diet as well as being a diabetic who has to count carbs. I lowered the calorie count a little at the expense of a couple of carbs per serving by replacing 1 cup of flax with a product (flour sub.) called Carbalose. I also used Golden Flax meal instead of the dark, regular flax meal. To help a little with the fat content, I reduced the oil to just 2 tablespoons and replaced 1 egg with 3 tablespoons of unsweetened apple sauce. Using the Carbalose, Golden Flax, and apple sauce produced more of a ""white bread"" that wasn't as strong and ""grainy"" as the original recipe. My recipe software calculated the original recipe numbers a little different than those posted here for some reason. For reference purposes, here are the numbers my software came up with for the original recipe: Net carbs = 1.8g, Fiber = 5.33g, Protein = 6.65g, Calories = 170; As opposed to .7g, 5g, 6g, and 185 calories, respectively for the original. Here are the numbers after the above changes to the original recipe: Net carbs = 4g, Fiber = 6.34g, Protein = 7g, Calories =135 Considering that the lowest carb regular bread I find at the store is slightly less than 10g per slice, I don't consider the small rise in carbs a problem. I am not a Splenda or Stevia fan for baking. I like to use either Erythritol or Xylitol. Both are natural sugar alcohol based. (no chemicals) I use a xylitol based product called ""Ideal Sweetener."" It is a xylitol & natural maltodextrin blend that tastes, measures, and bakes just like sugar with no after taste (to me). It is available in both white & brown sugar flavor; and it is about $2 per bag cheaper than Splenda. It seems to me that these changes also allow any flavorings that may be added to come through better. This recipe is somewhat milder in taste and texture than the original and therefore adding nuts, extracts, etc. could help a lot. With the exception of the Carbalose, I get every thing mentioned above at my local supermarket. However, everything is available on line at the Netrition website.
6 of 7 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
My whole family loved itAugust 05, 2011 By None
I have to tell you... if you wrote a bad review about this bread then you didnt make it right or you like white bread. before making this bread just know... it is a hearty bread sort of like a hearty whole wheat bread. very yummy with butter, cream cheese mixed with basil, olive oil dipping oil. my whole family loved it. even my 15 year old - I cant wait to try other versions and I really cant wait to try it toasted. Love it! if i could give it ten stars... i would.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
I'm passing this one on!!!!!July 19, 2011 By None
I have been on a low carb diet for 2 months and have successfully lost 14 lbs, but, oh how I missed bread products. When I found this recipe I couldn't wait to try it and I couldn't have been happier with the results. Easy and great for sandwiches. I'll be passing this one on to family and friends. Thanks
11 of 11 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Flax bread UpdateJuly 17, 2011 By None
If I ever have any left over, I slice thin and bake on low until dried out and I have extra snack crackers. Especially good if you have sweetened dough with Splenda .
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Flax FocacciaJuly 07, 2011 By None
Isn't baking wonderful? I love it. There's nothing I like better than my own homemade yeast bread slathered with butter, so I guess that's how I got to be 40 pounds overweight. So I've made this Flax bread twice now. It's a very tasty soda bread. The first time I thought I'd be creative and I added some extra salt. I had to throw that batch away. With the batch I just made I follwed the recipe closely and it came out very well. The silicon mat is a good idea for this bread. I thought I could get away with a non-stick cookie sheet with Pam, but the bread did stick in the middle and break apart when I was trying to turn it out. If you are using huge jumbo eggs, you will need only four. If you beat the batter too long, your bread will turn out with tunnels and big holes in it. Beat just long enough to combine all the ingredients so you can avoid that. It's not a bad idea to whip the eggs oil and water together first, whisk the dry ingredients in a seperate bowl, and then add the dry ingredients slowly to the mixing bowl while the mixer is still running. That way you won't get that omlette-like string of egg that just won't blend in. Another secret about baking: your ingredients will combine better if they are all the same temperature when you start out. So either keep all the water and oil and all in the fridge, or set everything out on the counter for three or four hours before you start. For some reason nobody ever tells you that. After you've made this bread successfully a few times, you can fool around and try different things with it. I'm going to sprinkle some chopped mushrooms on top of the batter after spreading it out on the pan. Then I might try a bit of dried tomato or some chopped olives, or maybe some chives. Flax can be hard to digest if you're not used to it and you have too much all at once. So you might want to have just a slice or two and then hold off until the next day. Thanks to you for helping me stay on my weight loss plan! I am going from 180 to 140 healthy pounds.
7 of 8 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
flax breadJuly 03, 2011 By None
omg just made this bread with milled flax seed as it was all i could get,it was yummy just out of the oven with a bit of butter,slightly salty and a hint of egg flavour,cant wait to try in a sarnie tomorrow,very easy to make will be making this as soon sa ive eaten the last batch,,
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
amazing!June 26, 2011 By None
Love this recipe! The bread is amazing and really takes the place of all other breads while on a low-carb diet. I eat it for breakfast with eggs, as a side with my dinner, or spread with salted butter for a snack. You can also use it for sandwiches, although I have yet to try that. I spread it thin on the pan and use 1/4 oil instead of 1/3. I also use 4 eggs instead of 5 and I like the taste and texture better that way. It reminds me of a yummy muffin. So moist and flavorful. I've made it 3 times this week alone! LOVE!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Epic!!June 21, 2011 By None
This is DELICIOUS! It does have a very very small hint of egg but its not like ""omg this is a giant omlete"" by no means. Sure it doesnt taste like white bread, but its so much more flavorful that that white peice of styrophoam. I just made it, literally 30 minutes ago. I will definatly make this again! Final Note: Even my 2 year old, who, as most, is notoroiusly picky about what he eats, gobbled this up and wanted more! Now tell me its not good if a 2 year old wants another peice??
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
I just made this bread, OMG, this is Fabulous, Tender and tasty. Now I can do the low carb and stick with it! I love sandwiches and toast with eggs, So was always my downfall before when trying to eat low carb. Now If I can only find Potatoe substitute, lol
11 of 12 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
awesome!June 09, 2011 By None
This bread is so great! I only used 1/4C. oil and i used olive oil. I also made it in a 9x13 pan and I did spread it all the way to the edges. This made about an inch thick when done. I keep some made and and it is great for like tuna salad and chicken salad sandwiches. I just pile it on top of a square of the bread for an open face sandwich! i have also done burgers this way! I love it!
9 of 9 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Love this breadJune 07, 2011 By None
Made it with a little less oil (1/4 cup) and really like it. I miss pancakes so I spread a little butter, and sprinkled some cinnamon on top, then drizzled some Walden Farms no cal/ no carb pancake syrup on top. YES, it's great. Can't wait until breakfast tomorrow when I'll top with a fried egg. This is lower carb than having almond flour pancakes. I love some of the tweaks other readers have shared. This recipe is a canvas, and we can be artists to make of it what we desire.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
June 04, 2011 By None
I added rosemary - it is delicious and the fragrance throughout my home.....aaahhhhhh
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Great bread! Must have for low carbers!!May 17, 2011 By None
This bread is great! Eating enough fiber is a challenge for me when following a low carb diet. This bread sure solves that problem! I have made it with golden flax seed meal and regular flax seed meal. I do prefer using the golden, but both breads turn out great! Using regular flax seed, the bread has a stronger flavor. For my oil, I use olive oil. I have tried baking it on a silicone mat and using parchment paper sprayed with Pam. I prefer using the parchment paper sprayed with Pam because I cut the paper a bit larger and it makes it really easy to turn the bread over onto a cooling rack. I haven't had an issue at all with it sticking.
10 of 10 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Super Low-Carb Diet StapleMay 13, 2011 By None
I've been making this bread for several months now and wouldn't be without it in my freezer! It's great for breakfast or as a mid-morning snack. I like to microwave it for 20 seconds and spread Laughing Cow lite on it. Very easy to make and loaded with fiber and protein. Tastes good too.
3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Focaccia Flax breadMay 08, 2011 By None
I made this bread but use coconut flour as suggest by another reader. I put the mix in a loaf pan as you would with bread, it looks just like a loaf of bread and I was able to get 17 slices which cuts down the calories. I made toast, it tasted good. I would recommend this to others. I will make again.
13 of 13 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Great Low Carb BreadApril 18, 2011 By None
I have made this recipe 4 times and its great. The first time I made it by the recipe exactly and it did seem a little oily and the fat content was pretty high. So I took some of the other reviewers suggestions to lower the fat content. Here are the changes: 5 eggs --> 4 egg whites (since 5 egg whites is about 1 1/4 cup of total volume, I added an additional 1/3 cup water in addition to the 1/2 cup called for by the recipe). 1/3 oil --> Substituted 1/3 cup canned pure pumpkin 1-2 tablespoons sugar substiute --> 3 packets of Truvia I also pour the mixture immediately onto a tray lined with a silicon mat and spread it out. (The silicon mat makes it so much easier to slice and remove with no sticking at all). These changes cut the fat content in half to about 6 grams per slice. The carb content is less than 1 gram per slice (since the flax meal carb content is all fiber). The bread still tastes great with the changes. I make a batch every few days and its great as toast and with pulled pork or hamburgers. Thanks for a great recipe!!
16 of 17 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
JUST GREATApril 15, 2011 By None
0 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
awesome with coconut flourMarch 23, 2011 By None
For some added fluff, softness, and subtle sweetness, I substituted 1/4 of the flax meal with coconut flour, and adjusted eggs and water accordingly. It is WONDERFUL! Thank you so much for posting this recipe; I've been craving GOOD, dense bread, but it has to be GF/LC. My little variation on the ingredients is below, in case anyone wants to experiment with that :-) * 1 1/2 C flax seed meal * 1/2 C coconut flour * 1 TBSP baking powder * 1 tsp salt * 1-2 TBSP sugar equivalent * 7 beaten eggs * 3/4 C water (you'll probably need more, but mix the batter up and eyeball the consistency to make sure so you don't overdo it; it should be quite thick but pourable) * 1/3 C oil Same preparation, except make sure the coconut flour doesn't clump. Also, it didn't really brown when I made it; when the surface is dry and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, it's done.
13 of 13 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Flax BreadMarch 22, 2011 By None
I love the flax bread. I make it often and eat it almost every day.
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
focaccia breadMarch 16, 2011 By None
I made this bread yesterday, and I must say it taste better that I ever thought it would. I did cut down on the salt and oil as other reviews suggested. Havent tried any tweeks yet but will. However, it didtnt rise the way it shows in the picture. It came out very thin but I was still able to cut it in half and it holds up well. Great with Chix Salad.. But Hey for us low carbers Its BREAD!!!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
LOVE THIS!March 12, 2011 By None
I am so glad I found this recipe! Recommending it to anyone who wants to cut back on their carbs! It was so nice to finally have a sandwich. As someone previously posted, I wasn't craving bread, but just something to eat tuna or egg salad on! And, since my husband is stubborn and will continue eating what he likes, I have this all to myself!
3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Banana breadMarch 10, 2011 By None
Just made it with 1 small mashed banana whipped together with the eggs and other wet ingredients. I omitted one egg. Used half the oil, and I added a heaping tablespoon or so of plain Greek yogurt. Didn't use nuts as it seems nutty flavored enough as it is. Baked in a loaf using parchment paper. 350 for 35 min or so. Turned out great. Probably 3 or 4 net carbs a nice sized hunk.
4 of 5 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
March 10, 2011 By None
Greetings from Brazil!!! And congratulations of course! Great bread, really easy to do and very, very tasty. You definitely made my life better. Kudos!!!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
additional benefit..March 09, 2011 By None
I love this bread for all the reasons already mentioned, and it will be a staple for me from now on. One huge problem I was having with low-carbing is that I was really plugged up from all the cheese. A few slices of this bread and.... not anymore!
5 of 5 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Focaccia Flax BreadMarch 08, 2011 By None
I love this bread! So easy to make and it's good. I make it and immediately pour into the pan and let it sit for a few minutes until it sets up a little and has flattened out. Keeps in the fridge very good.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Love it, versatile, tasty :)March 06, 2011 By None
Low carbing- again... (I always come back, I feel so much better!) So one of the main issues that I've had with low carb in the past is missing bread. Not craving, I get over that fairly quick, but having something to put stuff on! Buttered toast with over easy eggs, sandwiches/burgers etc... This is easy, real food and fits the bill nicely. I can have toast with eggs in the morning, I can have a burger on a bun (like thing), I can just have a slice of bread and butter. Yummy! I love that this has so much fiber in it, that is one area where I tend to fall short when low carbing. I have some digestive issues from time to time because of it and I think that making something like this a part of my regular diet will help. And finally- SO versatile! I used the same recipe and tweaked it to make ""banana"" nut muffins. Just added more sweetener (I use stevia extract) and a capfull or so of banana extract and some walnuts. Baked it in little mounds instead of a big flat loaf. Good stuff!
5 of 5 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Great!February 28, 2011 By None
Just made this and was very impressed. Will take the advice of a previous post, a little less salt and make it a little thinner for sandwiches. It was great that I did not need to run to the store to buy anything. Thanks for an super easy bread!
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
February 26, 2011 By None
I made this bread yesterday, and was pleasantly surprised at how good is was. I will be making this many times....just tastes so healthy and being low carb, great addition to my diet.
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
This bread goes with everythingFebruary 19, 2011 By None
I really enjoyed this bread. I must admit I was VERY apprehensive but enjoyed it. I think it would great as a side to a dinner or as a sandwich bread. I actually put some eggs over my first piece and found it delicious. My baby even begged for more and more. You could def add this and that to tweak it. I followed the suggestion to cut the olive oil to 1/4 c but did add the salt (it is def too much) and half a tab of no cal truvia. I will be making this a staple for my new diet (way of life :)
10 of 10 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
I used Flax mealsFebruary 13, 2011 By None
To the user that just posted YUK. I think you used the wrong ingredients. It calls for flax meal, NOT flour. I bought flax meal and it tasted GREAT!. I also saw flax flour there. Hope this helps.
4 of 5 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
Focaccia Flax ""Bread""February 12, 2011 By None
When I first tried this recipe it occurred to me that it's really just a big pancake. While the flavour was good, the consistency was a bit too ""floppy"" for a bread substitute. So I cut the recipe in half approximately and made a few changes. 1.25c Flax meal 3 eggs 2 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. salt 1/4 c. water 1/4 c. oil 1 tbsp. Splenda I made it the same as the original instructions but I found the texture of this mixture above better suited to use as a bread with contents in between. It's also good with butter while it's warm. Thanks for the recipe, as it gave me a good place to start and satisfactory results when all was said and done.
10 of 10 people found this review helpful.
1 out of 5 1 out of 5
YUK!!!February 09, 2011 By None
Okay, I bought a bag of regular flax flour at Whole Foods, but they did not have ""golden flax flour""-- maybe that is the difference I experienced. I was not impressed with this bread's flavor. I am going to try the two variations of adding pumpkin, sunflower seeds, and/or adding some almond flour, but otherwise, I do NOT like the flavor of this bread. I tried making a grilled cheese with it using mozerella cheese, and I could only eat half the sandwitch because the taste was sooooo bad. SOMEONE HELP ME! I spent so much on the flax flour I bought. Will golden flax make any difference in flavor?
0 of 5 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
This is a wonderful recipe!!February 08, 2011 By None
Followed the recipe exactly and it turned out wonderful. Sort of a nutty flavor - reminds me of malt-o-meal. Absolutely loved it warm right out of the oven with some butter. Can't wait to try it with a sandwich. Super easy to make, inexpensive ingredients, and is the perfect ""bread fix"" for folks who are eating low carb. Especially convenient that you can cut it to whatever size you want based on what container or what size zip lock you are going to put it in.
4 of 4 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Bread Again!!!January 28, 2011 By None
I loved this bread. My silicon mat fits perfectly in a 17.25x11.5 cookie sheet. I bake it for 20 min. Don't over bake it b/c when you go back and toast a slice it will still have a little bite in it. I took the advice of Darla 1953 to spread it out right away and also to sub out 1/2 c. almond meal for the same amount in flax. atomesh said adding nuts or dates would be good so I added 1/4 cup sunnies and loved it more! Angie M said to add 2 T. caraway for a rye flavor...what a great idea! enelkay suggested cutting the bread with a round cutter and using the scraps for bread that's thinking outside the box! The idea to use pumpkin instead of oil by Anonymous was wonderful! I loved the sweet suggestions by Ramazander and might try that some times, as well as the gluten-free dessert by dragynlady. I use a nutritional program at home to figure out the facts. Here are my stats regarding the original recipe, based on 12 servings. Each serving = 164 cals, 14.0 g/fat, 1g/sat fat, 89mg cholesterol, 310mg sodium, 5g carbs, 5g fiber, 6g protein. Then using my version which consisted of 1.5c golden flaxmeal, 1/2 c. almond meal (TJ), 1 T. coconut flour, 1 T. baking powder, 1-1/4 tsp. sea salt, 4 eggs, 1/2 c. water, 1/3 cup canned pumpkin, and 1/4 c. sunnies (sunflower seeds); per serving: 138 cals, 10.3g fat., 0 sat fat, 71mg cholesterol, 349 mg sodium, 6g total carbs, 4g fiber, 6g protein. I cut it up into 12 pieces with a plastic knife or spatula and wrap each piece individually in plastic wrap or foil and freeze them. Taking out pieces when I want to or easy to share with your friends who you are trying to convince to adopt a LC WOE. And lastly, I liked LAHD's review b/c it made me LOL! Wonderful recipe!
19 of 19 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Excellent breadJanuary 16, 2011 By None
I make this bread once a week. I use 4 eggs and closer to 1/4 cup of oil. Using less then 4 eggs and the bread does not rise properly. Preparation is quick and easy and the bread is absolutely delicious. My husband doesn't like that it is not very good for toast so he prefers the crackers, but he is coming around. Absolute winner.
12 of 12 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
Can't stop eating itJanuary 16, 2011 By None
I really enjoyed the simplicity of this recipe! I ground flax seed since I didn't have meal and it worked fine. I baked it with a little organic PAM in a 14-inch cast iron skillet and it came out beautifully. A couple things: really mix the egg in well and you may choose to add a little more salt to the mix. The cakey, fluffy texture is wonderful and it goes well with meat, cheese, peanut butter and veggies. Well worth it!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
January 09, 2011 By None
It is easy to make, but the taste takes a little getting used to. It works well with a tablespoon of peanut butter though. I could not eat it alone.
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
GreatJanuary 02, 2011 By None
If you have been on low carb for some time, you will find these amazing. New comers to low carb may find them grainy. They are wonderful to use as a sandwich or just toasted with low fat peanutbutter.
11 of 11 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Too good to be true!December 19, 2010 By None
I made this as the recipe states. I thought this recipe was too good to be true and my parents always said that if it's too good to be true it probably is, with the exception of this recipe! I just started this low carb thing and it's difficult for me. I ate the 100% whole wheat bread where you could bite into each little tasty whole grain and I have been a hard time giving that up, although I haven't had a piece since I've been on this lifestyle change and it's been 2 weeks already! I found my whole grain bread texture again in this recipe! I did cut each slice in half to make the ""sandwich bread"" slices thinner and to cut 1/2 the fat/calories back. Great recipe! I just finished a ham, egg, and cheese sandwich on this toasted piece of heaven!
12 of 12 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Life SaverDecember 08, 2010 By None
I have been on this diet for about 2 weeks, and the biggest single thing I miss is the bread. While this is a little sweet for my taste, it does quell the craving and I will play around with the recipe until I get something more savory. Thanks for posting this.
3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Great Bread for Carb WatchersNovember 21, 2010 By None
Love it! Can't wait to try this with may variations - super easy to make.
5 of 5 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Great!November 16, 2010 By None
We made this last night and were very pleased with it. We used a fine milled ground flax seed. The texture of the bread was similar to cornbread and it had a hint of sweetness. It was delicious right out of the oven with butter. We even shared it with two others that are not low carb dieters and they really liked it, too. It was not so great cold the next day for sandwiches. Definitely pop it in the microwave for about 30 seconds. It is nice to be able to eat bread during induction. We will make it again for sure.
4 of 4 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
GREAT BREADNovember 01, 2010 By None
I love this bread I use the gold flax seed and add 1/2 cup of chia meal which makes a firmer bread. I also ladel this into mounds, it makes perfect buns. I like the versatilty of the recipe it can be savory or sweet. Great bread alternative for diabetics or those just wanting to eat healthier.
6 of 6 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Focaccia Flax BreadOctober 26, 2010 By None
I agree with the guest who claimed it has a ""funny smell"" It is really good if toasted, the flavor changes and the smell is gone! Fantastic toasted ,eat with fresh sliced tomato. When cool from the oven slice and layer in foil in a storage container and refrigerate. Then it will not have the ""soggy"" appearance and texture. Hope this helps, it is certainly great to have a slice , fill up and be guilt free.
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
breadOctober 25, 2010 By None
I think this was better than any loaf bread. I love it. The only worry I would have , even know I do not count calories is how high it is in calories...I follow the direction to a tee
4 of 4 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
happy camperOctober 05, 2010 By None
I just started a low-carb vegetarian diet a couple of weeks ago, and I was already dying for something with a bread-like texture. This recipe is great. I wasn't sure it would have any flavor, so I added about a tablespoon each of dried onion and fresh thyme. Delicious. Even my boyfriend (who is certainly NOT a low carber) thought it was surprisingly tasty. I'm thinking next time maybe sun-dried tomato and rosemary with walnuts... oh the possibilities. Would be excellent with some vegetarian chili as it has a texture similar to a cake-like cornbread. Thank you for posting this!
12 of 13 people found this review helpful.
2 out of 5 2 out of 5
Smells Funny?October 04, 2010 By None
I wanted to ask if anyone else had the experience of not liking the smell of the bread. It almost had a bleach smell to it. Also, whether I stored in a baggie or aluminum foil, it seemed to be too moist. I'd really thought after reading all the reviews that I'd found an easy, low carb bread I could enjoy. I tried twice, varying the oil and water, as in many suggestions, but still had the same ""smell"". Would really like to try again if anyone had any suggestions for me.
0 of 3 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Absolutely WonderfulOctober 03, 2010 By None
I just found this recipe, just made it, and have to stop myself from eating half of it at once, laughing! It is absolutely wonderful. What a wonderful and healthy choice when you are in the ""I've just gotta have a piece of bread"" mood. I intend to make it weekly.........Thank you, thank you, Thank you!
3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Highly recommended-awesomeSeptember 30, 2010 By None
This bread is excellent and fulfills my desire to eat carbs. I have used it to make grilled cheese and peanut butter sandwiches....sometimes eat it for snack just as it is. I know it would make great french toast
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
2 out of 5 2 out of 5
It does NOT look like the pictureSeptember 19, 2010 By None
I followed every step and used all the ingredients and it didnt turn out to be like that
1 of 5 people found this review helpful.
2 out of 5 2 out of 5
it has one advantageSeptember 19, 2010 By None
it tastes so bad an eggy that I no more crave bread everytime I think bread I'll think greasiness and egginess
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
August 27, 2010 By None
The recipe was very good. I made a few changes because I was afraid that it would be too bland. Added a dash of Cinnamon Vanilla Nut Butter Extract 2 Tbls of sugar splenda instead of 1 tbls. Used --1/4 cup of Almond oil 1 tbls coconut flour for better absorption DELICIOUS! Not sweet at all. I was considering buying low carb bread/bagel but after making these I will put that on hold permanently.
15 of 16 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Yummie!August 26, 2010 By None
This ""bread"" has been a savior for my low carb diet. I made the changes some people mentioned, 1/4 cup oil, and used 4 eggs instead of 5, 2 real eggs and 2 egg substitutes. It is delicious! I make a big batch, keep the left over in the fridge and pop a slice in the toaster whenever I want some. I actually like it better on day 2 or 3 if it lasts that long.
3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
GREAT!August 23, 2010 By None
I made this bread last night for the first time. I'd highly recommend it. We had hamburgers for dinner and it was great to actually have it on bread. Great for us low carbers!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Had it with a cheeseburgerAugust 17, 2010 By None
Made my bread last night. Cut it in sections, placed in zip lock bags (2 pcs per bag ) and put in the frig. Got home from work today and made some burgers. Pulled out a bag and popped the bread in the toaster. Took it out of the toaster, added mayo, then added a cheeseburger, slice of tomato and some onion. Pure heaven! I have made this bread with many variations. This particular time I added parmesan cheese, a tiny bit of garlic and some sweet basil. Always happy with the result. I prefer this over buying reduced carb bread. Plus the fiber is an added benefit. Not bad with eggs either!
5 of 5 people found this review helpful.
2 out of 5 2 out of 5
August 10, 2010 By None
I followed the recipe exactly, but for some reason mine came out quite wet and spongy in the middle and bottom despite giving it an extra 10 minutes cooking time. The only thing I didn't have was a silicone mat, so used oiled baking parchment (wax) paper, so maybe that was the reason for mine not working too well. Tastes nice but the texture is putting me off eating it.
4 of 5 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Focaccia Flax BreadAugust 05, 2010 By None
Brilliant, wasn't expecting it to be as good as it was. Just started a low carb diet and missing my bread, but this is a great substitute. Cheers x
3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
A very nice breadAugust 05, 2010 By None
I enjoy lo carb eating and this Flax Bread recipe hits the spot. I took guest Mavis advice and cut the oil to 1/4 cup. I also replaced 1/2 cup of flax meal with almond meal. I added in caraway seeds and dried rosemary. I put it in a silicone mat lined jellyroll pan and did not wait for it to thicken up. I topped it off with slivered almonds and more caraway seeds. I baked it for 17 minutes. WOW! Perfect...what a lovely breakfast bread. This I have made over and over and it is very satifying.
4 of 4 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
August 01, 2010 By None
This recipe is great. I tried it once exactly as written. It turned out really well. I made it again and added chopped rosemary, thyme, and garlic powder to the top just before sticking it in the oven. It smelled so good I could hardly wait for it to come out. I am watching my sodium and cholesterol, so I cut back the salt by 1/2. Then I used two whole eggs and just the whites from the other three. Came out just as good! Thanks so much for sharing this recipe!
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
gluten free too!July 29, 2010 By None
thanks! :D Have lots of my own flax seed. I grind it myself in a coffee grinder and it works great
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
1 out of 5 1 out of 5
Focaccia Flax BreadJuly 24, 2010 By None
That bread was bland and very ""eggy""! I would never make it again and would never suggest it to anyone. I have a wide range of things that I eat and this bread made a very short list of things I would not eat again.
4 of 10 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
To reduce the amount of fat.....July 22, 2010 By None
To reduce the amount of fat in this delicious recipe I added 1/3 C of canned pumpkin in place of the 1/3 C oil. Canned pumpkin is full of fiber, no carbs, no fat and a great source of nutrients. Add to that a wonderful flavor and it's the perfect substitute for oil. The flax meal has plenty of fat to carry this bread. It turned out great! Thank you to the original poster!
6 of 8 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Wow, tastes great and so versatileJuly 11, 2010 By None
I just love this bread! I found this recipe a few weeks back and have made pancakes, gingerbread french toast, pizza crust, bread and muffins using your recipe. While I am not one to post and say, wow, your recipe was great, but I reduced the baking powder, added grits, changed the flax to rye, substituted bacon grease for canola, left out the salt, used wild honey for the sweetener, swapped the five eggs for a dozen quail eggs and cooked it in a crock pot... I was shy about a half cup of flax seed and used almond meal instead--it was a nice addition. Thanks for sharing!
11 of 25 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Sweet Lord, it's 10x better than it should be!July 10, 2010 By None
Yumy, yum, yum!!!! Was struggling to get enough fibre on my new low-carb diet, and was getting sick of so much meat, so this is a godsend! Will be able to make egg-bacon mcmuffins now! I'm a man who never bakes, and I just made these, easiest thing ever! (I have it about 5 minutes more at max oven temperature to brown em a bit more.) p.s. those complaining how we use sugar substitute instead of sugar, and lots of fatty things, you know this is a low-carb recipe, yes?
3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
LOVE IT!!July 06, 2010 By None
I just started a low-carb diet a week ago. Although my bread craving had subsided for the most part, I was thrilled to learn about the baking possibilities of flax seed meal. I was SO HAPPY with the way this bread turned out. It is absolutely going to make this low-carb diet more bearable and even enjoyable. This recipe is a craving killer! I couldn't be happier!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
low Carb and delicious!June 29, 2010 By None
I make this when I get a craving for bread. I love it. I spread wax paper on a baking sheet and then spray the wax paper with PAM no fat cooking spray. I doubled the recipe and spread half on the baking sheet and the other half made into muffins and they are delicious. I spread a tiny bit of cream cheese or smear a tiny bit of butter on the squares or muffins and feel like I have satisfied my bread craving without the carbs! Highly reccommend this recipe! Thanks, its a keeper!
3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
June 28, 2010 By None
This bread is a life saver for me on a low carb diet. After weeks of climbing the walls with my bread cravings and, frankly, never wanting to see a plate of chicken and broccoli again, I stumbled across this recipe. Now I dine on toast in the mornings, I can actually eat a sandwich for lunch and I feel great. It takes just a few minutes to prepare - one bowl and a spoon, so anyone can make it. Would definitely recommend.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
June 28, 2010 By None
This is fabulous! And the recipe can be used to make more than bread - try pancakes or spread it really thin, and bake until crisp as a cracker or chip
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Focaccia Flax BreadJune 28, 2010 By None
Awesome! This is my 4th time making it. I add either walnuts, almonds, sunflowers seeds, dates or all. I toast it and put some mayo on it with cheese. To die for! Thank you so much!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Awesome!June 27, 2010 By None
I've tried low carb diets in the past and have often fallen off the wagon because of that pesky 'no/limited bread' clause.... However, I think I've found my remedy! Sometimes I just want the consistency of bread and this fulfills that need. I read all the reviews and tried the bread, even though I didn't have the oiled parchment paper or silicone mat. I just used a cookie sheet w/ a little Pam spray and voila! It was great (a little greasy, but great nonetheless). My husband even liked it and he tends to opt for the full-everything version of his food (you know...full fat, full carb/sugar, full dairy, full animal protein, etc.). I had a slice with some veggie soup and I'm stuffed! This is a definite keeper and may be the single thing that transitions my current eating plan from 'diet' to 'lifestyle'! Thank you Laura :) Cheers!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
So excellent, I love it!June 27, 2010 By None
I made this bread with great anticipation and my expectations were met. It's delicious! It will enable me to stick to my low carb diet with hopeful success! Next time I will reduce or omit the sugar and salt, and reduce the oil and add more water. I love reading all the variations on here by adding spices, etc.
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
PerfectJune 26, 2010 By None
I am trying a low carb diet again but I hate giving up bread and sandwiches. This is the perfect substitute. While it isn't the same as normal bread it tastes great and is perfect to make sandwiches with. I would suggest spreading it a little thinner. I made it today and it was a little too thick for my liking.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Focaccia flax breadJune 22, 2010 By None
I'm not on a carb restricted diet, but am gluten intolerant. I loved this recipe as the bread; but thought, why can't I fiddle with the recipe and create a gluten free dessert? I used maple syrup instead of the water, and 2 tbs Blue Agave syrup instead of sugar or sugar substitute. I then added 1/2 cup shredded coconut, 1/4 cup of chocolate chips and 1/3 cup chopped pecans. I baked it for 22 minutes, so that the edges were just a little bit crisp. Turns out that it tasted just like German Chocolate Cake! My family think this one's a keeper.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
It's the real dealJune 06, 2010 By None
WOW. I read the reviews and decided to give it a try. Easy to make and tastes darn good. This is not soft white bread. It reminds me of a heavy wheat bread. Something you might find at a European Bakery. I added 1/4 cup of Pecan pieces and used 4 extra large eggs instead of 5. I also used 6 packets of Splenda. On the next batch, I will keep the nuts and try a couple more packets of Splenda as I like sweets. My blood sugar did not go up after eating and it gives you a feeling of fullness. If you are diabetic or on the Atkins, this is your new friend.
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
The Best Bread Substitute GoingJune 03, 2010 By None
Having been on the Primal and Paleo diets for a while now, I have been on the look out for some dessert ideas. Using this recipe, which I have been for the past few month, and adding in a bit more sweetener (I use a stevia extract) and some cocoa powder, I have come up with a half decent chocolate cake. Thanks
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
FabulousJune 03, 2010 By None
I made the original bread and after cutting it I sliced it in half for toast. I found it didn't toast as well due to oil content I believe so I made some adjustments with little effect on net carb count and it turned out fabulous. I ground my flax seed in a blender. It takes 15 seconds with the Breville Ikon blender. I get nine servings out of either loaf method. 2 cups (224g) Flaxseed meal 1 Tbsp Baking powder 1/16 tsp New Roots Stevia concentrate powder (optional) 1/2 tsp Himalayan sea salt 5 Eggs, large 1 Tbsp Oil, grapeseed or coconut oil melted 45g Greek yogurt, plain 1/2 cup Water Preheat oven to 350. Prepare a small loaf pan with oiled parchment paper. In a large bowl whisk the dry ingredients. In another bowl beat eggs with a hand mixer to prevent any strands of egg white then add to dry mix along with oil, yogurt and water mixing well. Pour into prepared small loaf pan. Bake for about 35-40 minutes. Check for doneness with a knife or toothpick. Cool. Notes: I use golden flax meal, grape seed oil and Himalayan sea salt. I use New Roots Stevia concentrate powder. My oven took 38 minutes. For a savoury taste add a tsp of onion powder and a tsp of dill or another herb as desired. Sprinkle with sesame seeds or flax seeds if desired. Nutritional Info for entire loaf: 1547 Calories 116g Fat 17.7g Saturated Fat 75.4g Carbohydrates 68.9g Fibre 6.5g Net Carbohydrates 88.3g Protein
30 of 30 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
Pretty GoodMay 26, 2010 By None
I am on low carb diet and the only thing I truly miss is bread. I had not tried flax seed yet and thought this would be a good bet. This bread is easy to mix up and bake and I was so anxious to try it, I tried a slice while still warm. It has a pleasant bread texture, like a soft cornbread, and the taste is initially rather bland. My problem was with the aftertaste - I found it quite unpleasant (probably just not used to flax seed). I left it to cool overnight and thought I'd try again in the morning. It was better when cooled but still needed something to mask the aftertaste. I found that if I use it with strongly flavored fillings or toppings (strongly seasoned meats and cheeses for sandwiches, cream cheese and SF jams for breakfast) it was considerably better and this is how I will use it in the future. I imagine a sausage and sage stuffing made with this bread could be very good. It lends itself well to the addition of many different herbs, spices and flavorings. It is very filling and it is probably because of all the fat it contains. In the future, I will do as some of the other reviewers suggested and reduce the amount of oil. I think as I get used to the flax seed my opinion of this bread will continue to rise.
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Yum!!!May 23, 2010 By None
I am so grateful to have come across this recipe, it's wonderful. I followed the recipe (used extra virgin olive oil) and added a 1/2 cup of parmesan cheese, red pepper flakes, and Italian spices to the mix. Spread thin on a cookie sheet and topped with Turkey pepperoni slices, sun dried tomatoes (in oil), sliced black olives, fresh jalapeno and garlic slices, and some shredded mozzarella and extra sharp cheddar cheese. It came out fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing this recipe. This will be the only bread I'll be eating from now on. Can't wait to try other variations.
4 of 4 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Excellent Taste! Is there an alternative for Flax?May 18, 2010 By None
This bread tastes amazing and wont make you fat or so it seems! The only problem is I have an allergy to flax seed meal! God hates me! Can't have carbs or flax! Does anyone know of an alternative to that ingredient?
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
April 29, 2010 By None
This bread is a godsend for the low-carb dieter! I've made a couple of nifty variations. Applesauce-cranberry: replace all the liquid and oil with an equal amount of applesauce, 1/4 cup of splenda, and only 3 or 4 eggs. Yummy toasted with cream cheese. Also, sweet potato-onion: cut onions into thin slices, fry until brown and sweet, replace all liquid and oil with an equal amount of roasted and mashed sweet potato. No sweetener, and only 3 or 4 eggs. I LOVE this fried in the pan along with a couple of eggs, then use it instead of toast to sop up the yolks. Oh my what a good breakfast!
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Focaccia Flax BreadApril 27, 2010 By None
After reading all the reviews I decided to try this recipe. Noting other readers' recommendations, I omitted the sweetener and decreased the olive oil to 1/4 cup, and added just a pinch of sea salt. I also spread the mixture to about an inch think and baked it about 16 minutes on an oiled baking stone. Just after the springback point of baking, out it came and I tried a 1/12 wedge with Promise(0 carbs). WOW !!! Very much like a coarse grain cornbread, like the Hodson Mills mix (pre low carb life). And then, liking it so much, dinner later included another wedge sliced like a ""bun"" with a 1/4 lb turkey burger (0 carbs) with dijon mustard (also 0 carbs). I have to say that this is perfect for me as is, and other family members will like this as a homemade bread, carbs or not. Some may like it a bit saltier than I made it, but that could be remedied by sprinkling on top with various seasonings before baking. I give this recipe 5 stars for ease of making/baking, taste and texture, and as a good value for cost of ingredients. Thanks so much for sharing this recipe.!
42 of 42 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
back again!!April 24, 2010 By None
Made the rosemary focaccia a few nights ago and was craving a sweet version for breakfast. Just popped this out of the oven and I'm getting rave reviews from my family again! Modifications: -reduced salt to 1/4 tsp -increased stevia powdered extract to 4.5 mini scoops (probably equal to 1/5 tsp) instead of using splenda -reduced eggs to 3 and beat with one banana, mashed -mixed wet to dry and then stirred in pecans, and (oops!) chocolate chips! I would have used something healthier but that was all I had in the pantry. However, I think that splurge was well worth it in the end. -poured the batter in the pan and then topped with regular old fashioned oats AMAZING! I love this recipe, banana bread is next! thanks again
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
April 23, 2010 By None
I made this with added herbs, awesome thought my husband would hate it but he ate almost all of it. Will need to make some and freeze it just for me. We dipped it in Olive oil and Vinagar. This will be made weekly now at our home. Thanks for the recipe.
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
yummy! too many eggs?April 22, 2010 By None
Awesome!! Tastes great!! I used flax meal from the store because I didn't want to grind them myself (being lazy). I also substituted for sweetener (because I hate splenda) with Stevia powdered extract, 1.5 [mini] scoops. I also added fresh rosemary, dried oregano, and dried basil to the mix. I used all 5 eggs, but I would just use egg whites next time, or even reduce the number of eggs because looks like my family approves and is taking large pieces. Also it ended up being TOO salty!! I would definitely reduce the salt it calls for. Will try again with sweet ingredients!! Nuts, dried fruit, etc. Thank you!!!! :)
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
wow, is this a trick?April 17, 2010 By None
TOTALLY AGREE with the reviewer who said it makes you think you cheated!!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
this hit the spot. not too shabby!April 15, 2010 By None
I hadnt exactly been craving bread but I wanted a change from the prepackaged food I'm eating on my low carb/low calorie diet. I ended up using organic golden flax meal only because it lhas fewer calories and more fiber than the unorganic version in the store I went to. I used SteviaPlus for sweetner. And I have to say I was pleasantly surprised at the results! I was expecting something just tolerable but this bread turned out to be filling and tasted pretty good. I sprinkled cinnamon on top for a little more flavor (I saw that in someone else's review -- good call). Sure it probably would have tasted much better if I'd used SUGAR (I personally dont think any of those alternative sweetners taste great in general) but that would have defeated the purpose. All in all a very decent bread, and I will be keeping it around as a staple as well as experimenting with maybe adding almond flour or raisins when I'm ready to increase my carb intake, or adjusting it the recipe to see if I can get it to be fluffier, maybe like cake or cornbread.
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
1 out of 5 1 out of 5
Holy Moses, this is BAD!April 15, 2010 By None
I made this for the first time tonight in high hopes we can switch to this instead of whole wheat bread. I was wrong, this tastes TERRIBLE! We spread a bit of peanut butter on it to try and choke it down. It helped but not by much. YUCK! If possible I would give this a half a star.
5 of 11 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
you gotta eat thisApril 12, 2010 By None
We love this, having lived the low carb lifestyle for a very long time, we pretty much gave up on finding any type of low carb bread of any substance and texture...Well not anymore We add in Rosemary and finely shredded Pecorino-Romano and it really tastes even more like the rustic Foccacia we've had in restaurants. It's a joy to prepare, simply splendid to eat with the usual suspects (dipping EEVOO/Balsamic)as well as humus, and makes a super accompaniment to rustic soups and stews.
4 of 4 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Fantastic!April 08, 2010 By None
I make this again and again, we just love it. I actually make it in a medium bread loaf pan, and bake for 45 minutes, and it comes out great. Once it cools, about 15-20 minutes, you can then slice it like any other loaf of bread. Thank you so much for the recipe!
24 of 26 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Makes you think you cheatedMarch 25, 2010 By None
My daughter and I made this bread today and I must say that it has a great taste and texture! We followed the directions but only added 1/2 teaspoon of Splenda ( will leave out completely next try) and it turned out wonderful. A little while later we took some of the pieces, toasted them, and spread a little low-fat cream cheese on it. It was great! We plan on trying to spread it thinner before baking and add some sesame seeds for a cracker.The possiblities are endless. I have found a way to keep to low carbs and enjoy it! Thanks so much for sharing this recipe.
21 of 21 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Great stuff!March 20, 2010 By None
I used a similar recipe recently and it was good but this recipe is better. I just made a batch and toasted a slice of it and had it with peanut butter. I think it's an excellent alternative to regular or even low carb breads and is healthier to boot. I do need to find a slightly larger pan, though, as this was just a little too thick. Other than that, it rocks!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Yay for bread!March 20, 2010 By None
We tried this recipe and were surprisingly delighted! Made it again with onion, herbs, and garlic salt... even more delicious! Does anyone know any muffin or sweet-ish bread recipes using flaxseed? Thanks!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
absolutely deliciousMarch 18, 2010 By None
I couldn't believe how bready and yummy this recipe was. I added rosemary, garlic, salt and olive oil on the top & can't tell you how wonderful it was
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
March 17, 2010 By None
Amazing. I have this in the morning with a lil almond butter....absolutely awesome! A very good substitute. Nice work!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
March 15, 2010 By None
Great recipe, I just don't understand why you use the artificial sweetener? Do you know how unhealthy it is? If you really think ""bread"" should have some sweetness to it, a little bit of honey can go a long way, and is much much healthier.
1 of 7 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
love love love this!March 11, 2010 By None
If you can do wheat bread you should have no problem with flax bread. I am so grateful for something that mimics real bread. I toast this and eat it with peanut butter for breakfast, salads, sandwiches....wonderful! I am looking forward to tweaking it and seeing how I can incorporate it into desserts. Really has helped me stick to my low carb diet.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
From a bread Lover, this stuff is AWESOME!!March 08, 2010 By None
I recently started doing the high protien low carb diet. For me, not getting to have bread was a BIG DEAL!!! I googled for a low carb recipe and found this gem. I was dubious about making it as my husband loves my home made bread. Well, I gave it a whirl and this stuff is incredible! I am able to use it for sandwiches, I toast it, I dry it and use it to stuff game hens, I spread it really thin in the pan and cook it 30 mins instead of 20 for really good crackers...I can't rave about it enough! Flaxmeal is almost ALL fiber so this bread is really good for you! I did find the recipe a little salty, so I cut the salt in half...but otherwise, try it. I am going to make bread pudding with it this weekend AND I am going to add a couple of extra eggs to the batter and try making pancakes. Will let you know how that goes!
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Bread is back!March 08, 2010 By None
Very simple to make -- I doubled the recipe and it came out perfect the first time. This stuff is a revelation. No more ham-lettuce wraps for lunch -- I can have sandwiches again!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
1 out of 5 1 out of 5
Focaccia Fax BreadFebruary 28, 2010 By None
I love eggs and have acquired a taste for flax seed meal over the past year or so, but I don't think I'll ever have a taste for artificial sweeteners (a least not the powders). Together these 3 ingredients make an expensive disaster that only my dog liked.
0 of 8 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Better with just two changesFebruary 27, 2010 By None
I made about three batches without adjusting the recipe. It tasted okay, but the best part was how full it left me and of course its nutrition. I then tried reducing the oil to 1/4 cup and using 3 tsps of sweet leaf sweetener (stevia). I actually enjoyed it (rather than endure it) with the changes. It tasted better and more importantly I thought the texture was much better. It is a great healthy alternative for low carbing and it is extremely easy to make.
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Try It -- You'll Like It!February 27, 2010 By None
I just made this for the first time and, in spite of the favorable reviews, I wasn't very optimistic. Followed the recipe exactly and have to say you'd be hard pressed to find another recipe that delivers a moist, peasanty-like bread in less than 30 minutes from start to finish. Never mind one that has virtually 0 carbs! Oh, and it's delicious! Oh, and it supplies better than 25% of one's recommended fiber intake for the day
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Delicious!February 26, 2010 By None
I made this today! If you are not too picky about breads and understand the concept that healthy foods do not taste as good as unhealthy foods, go ahead and make this! If you're the kind of person that expects healthy foods to taste like a Mc' Donalds hamburger, don't waste your time. I LOVED IT!
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Heavenly!February 26, 2010 By None
I am in love with this recipe both for the tasty bread as well as the ease of preparign the recipe! I have been a low carber for almost 5 years now and will say that this bread recipe is the best low carb bread I have ever had. The texture reminds me of banana bread, in that it's light and spongy. The taste is very welcome, especially the tinge of sweetness. Thanks Laura!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
Foaccia Flax BreadFebruary 25, 2010 By None
I have Cancer and have been advised to eat a low carb diet to restrict my sugar in take and keep my body alkaline. I was looking for LC diets and found this bread. It is great. I am a bread lover and was finding a bread free diet quite tedious, this has changed that.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
NutritionFebruary 25, 2010 By None
Just wanted to let you guys know. Carb count 3.6, fiber 2.6 so total effective carb is 1. 84 calories, cholesterol 87 protein 4.6 I love my iPhone app. I am looking forward to making this Soon will review soon. Thanks!
0 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
February 22, 2010 By None
i love flaxmeal and my bread turned out yummy,can you please tell me if spelt bread is good on a low carb diet.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
Want to lower the fat contentFebruary 15, 2010 By None
I thought the bread tasted pretty good, but I'm concerned about the fat content. I used a little honey in place of the sugar subsitute and it was fine. I'll probably just eliminate that next time and try replacing the oil with low fat buttermilk next time. Has anyone tried this?
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
YES!!!!!February 12, 2010 By None
I am on an extremely low carb, gluten-free diet for seizures. I thought I'd never eat bread again--wrong!!! This bread is wonderful! Very easy, and good! I love it! I'm eating a peanut butter sandwich! THANK YOU!!!!
0 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
GREAT BREAD!!!February 09, 2010 By None
So glad I found this bread! I've been doing the low carb thing for close to 3 years now. I've lost about 115 pounds on it. But I have done a really restricted plan up until recently. I've mostly only eaten ""clean"". Meaning no products, no bars, shakes, sauces, etc. Only mainly proteins. Eggs, low cal meats etc. I watch my calories too. But that has gotten really BORING! So I'm starting to add more and different things into my plan. That when I discovered low carb breads that I CAN MAKE. WOW! This is one I will make many times over. I plan to add in different things to it to change it up. More splenda, cinnamon, nutmeg, and walnuts sounds great. I may even try and incorporate some of the davinci syrups into this recipe for different tastes and variations. I also had an idea of trying to add cocoa and more splenda and making them muffins. I had another idea to try different extracts like orange, lemon, maybe SF maple syrup. The possibilities are endless!!Savory types or this recipe are another great way to change it up. I thought of trying a green chile cheese bread. Since I live in New Mexico and all. We are all about our green chile and spicy foods! YUM!! Great bread though! Came out good just as the recipe reads. Made it tonight. One recipe made 4 mini loaves. Took just about 20 minutes to cook and it was perfect! I recommend 2 tablespoons of Splenda instead of 1. That was just perfect! Oh, and I used Safflower oil in it, and put Margarine on top of my loaves. Yummy mini sandwiches for lunch tomorrow! Yeah! Regarding the carbs, Flax meal has virtually no impact carbs. It's all fiber, which you subtract to get net carbs. The baking powder is a very minimal amount, and only has small traces of carbs. The only ingredient really containing carbs is the eggs, and again that's a minimal amount. The 5 carb count some got was probably from a site like fitday, where they don't subtracr fiber. If you subtract the fiber the count IS less then 1 carb for a normal, sandwich sized slice! Plus all that added fiber! What win win situation!
74 of 75 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Wow!February 09, 2010 By None
Just cooked some of this and let it cool - OMG it is amazing. Last time I was on low-carb I did a nutty loaf in the breadmaker but to be honest, I just got fed up of all the hassle of doing it. This recipe is absolutely perfect and so easy to make. Not sure of the mixed reviews regarding the carb count, could anybody finally clear this up as I am only on 4 of induction and wouldn't want to mess things up so soon.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
NICEFebruary 08, 2010 By None
I love this bread with butter and for making cinnamon toast with Splenda, and for garlic bread. My male family members didn't like it, though. When we ate it the first time we had it with sloppy joes and it seemed to take away the taste of the sloppy joes. Very weird. But, us girls love it!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Great Low Carb BreadFebruary 06, 2010 By None
I recently made this bread and was very pleasantly surprised. I was so impressed, that I made my wife try it the second she got home from work. She also thought it was good. My 8 year old wasn't impressed...but what do kids know?.Lol As far as the reviewer who claims that there are 5.7 carbs per slice...I think your math is suspect. The only thing which even has net/effective/countable carbs is the sweetener. I omitted that from my recipe, so my version has 0 net carbs. The only other ingredient that even has carbs is the flax meal. The brand I used has 4 grams of carbs per serving with 4 grams of dietary fiber. Unless I'm crazy, that cancels out to 0. To be fair, perhaps you used a different brand that was loaded with carbs for some reason. Oh well, maybe someone else can clear that up. Good luck to everyone on your weight loss and health goals.
4 of 4 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Fantastic!February 02, 2010 By None
I am so excited as I have been really missing bread. I made this for the first time today and both my husband and I love it. It has the texture of real bread. However, after reading a few of the posts I will either cut way back on the oil or cut it out completely. Our local health food store has buy one get one half price on the milled flax so I am stopping off on the way to work tomorrow. I like the ideas of adding herbs and spices that some of the other reviewers have tried. Caraway seeds would really work to make it like rye bread which I love to have with smoked salmon and cream cheese. Here's to getting even healthier in 2010. Thank you!
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Awesome!!!!!January 31, 2010 By None
I just baked this today, and it was awesome! My kitchen was filled with that delicious scent of fresh baked bread. It's the easiest recipe to make, and it tastes delicious! I did substitute one of the ingredients, though. Instead of regular vegetable oil, I used olive oil. I figured it would give it a good taste, and olive oil is better, anyway. It came out so good! It's like wheat bread, just a hint sweeter, nutty, with a hearty texture. I cut it in pieces the size of sliced bread and plan to use it for sandwiches and breakfast toasts. Try it! You won't be disappointed.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
If you want the taste of biscuits...January 30, 2010 By None
I eat this bread all the time and love it. Recently though, I did an experiment and substituted 1 cup of oat fiber (NOT oats) for 1 cup of the flax meal. Oat fiber has zero carbs. I purchased it at under the name of Oat Fiber 500. It tasted a lot like regular high carb biscuits. Kari
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
ExcellentJanuary 24, 2010 By None
Have been looking for a low carb bread substitute for a while now and nothing was right til this recipe........easy to make and thoroughly enjoyed it
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Holy Cow!January 21, 2010 By None
I have been living a low carb lifestyle for about 10 years and I have NEVER had a low carb bread this good!!!!! Thank, you, thank you, thank you! I made it with toasted sesame oil instead of vegetable oil and I can see all of the possibilities with herbs and perhaps other seeds. While it has 5 eggs, it is not spongy like other low carb breads I have tried. God bless your hands!!!!
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
January 18, 2010 By None
so quick and easy to make. tastier and cheaper than bought low carb breads.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Italian StyleJanuary 16, 2010 By None
I reduced sugar equivalent to 1 Tb. used olive oil for oil. Also added garlic powder and italian seasoning and it came out great!!!!
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
2 out of 5 2 out of 5
very flax-y, not what I expected!January 11, 2010 By None
I was so excited about making this bread and I just tried it. It was not what I expected. No one else in my family likes it. I can tolerate it. I will eat it tomorrow with sardines. I tried virgin coconut oil. Maybe next time I will try olive oil. I think it would be helpful to make the additions that others made- cinnamon or garlic, onion, and basil.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
5.7 Carbs for CountingJanuary 07, 2010 By None
Great recipe! Great bread! Great base for even better bread with other great healthy ingredients! However, remember when comparing the carbs against other food items, that this bread is 5.7 carbs NOT 0.7. It's still great, but if you're counting carbs (such as Atkins 1st two week induction phase which requires no more than 20 carbs) be sure you count each slice as 5.7 carbs and not 0.7. Otherwise, ........maybe no ketosis. Best to ALL!!!!
3 of 16 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Good StuffJanuary 03, 2010 By None
Made this stuff like a pancake on an iron skillet, and used olive oil. I am hooked.
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Love it!December 28, 2009 By None
I love this bread! I make it exactly as written sometimes. However, I have also substituted 1/2 almond flour or part almond and part other nut flours and it is also delicious! I sometimes use coconut oil and sometimes light olive oil. I love it! Thanks for this recipe!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
WOW!!!December 26, 2009 By None
This was totally awesome!!!! I made one batch with seasonings for a savory bread and it turned out okay. But the second batch, with cinnamon, vanilla, spelnda and almonds was OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!!!!!!! Thanks for a great versatile recipe. I'll be making this over and over again.
0 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Absolutely Delicious!December 25, 2009 By None
This bread is outstanding, plain and simple. The variations are endless in terms of toppings. I added pumpkin seeds to mine and yum, yum, yummy. It is easy to make as well and the texture is exactly as any whole grain or whole wheat bread. This bread is a staple of my low-carb lifestyle. My thanks to the author for sharing.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Unbelievably versatile!December 17, 2009 By None
I've been making this recipe for my husband and me at least once or twice a week ever since I first found it some months ago. I use golden flaxseeds or dark ones, ground myself in a coffee grinder. We like it ground a little more coarsely than commercial grind. With dark flaxseed I add some dried onion flakes, a little garlic powder, and a couple of Tbsp. each of grated Parmesan and caraway seeds to make an ""onion rye."" I make the original recipe unchanged using golden flaxseed. Recently, aside from making the focaccia-style bread, I've also been baking either of the types in one of those ""As seen on TV"" brownie pans with an insert that divides the brownies perfectly. I use a spatula to spread the bread batter evenly to the edges before putting in the insert. When the bread is done and slightly cooled I remove the insert and I have 18 uniform, perfectly shaped little ""dinner rolls."" I always keep some of these in the freezer, pulling out as many as I need an hour or so before I need them. Being small they defrost quickly in case of unexpected dinner guests, and even our non low-carber friends love them. I also make hamburger rolls by cutting the focaccia style bread with a round can the size of my burgers. I keep those frozen, too, until needed. And I take the leftover pieces from cutting the burger rolls and dry them in a slow oven to make dried bread crumbs to use in as a filler in meat loaf or to make a stuffing for chicken or turkey or a dressing to serve as a side-dish with pork.
148 of 149 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
Without eggsDecember 17, 2009 By None
I liked the recipe very much. Thanks for sharing it. However, can we make it without eggs? If so, what should i replace with and in what proportion? Thanks in advance.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
December 13, 2009 By None
This bread is so awsome. Made 2 yesterday. Made on plain and the second I added some nuts, cinnamon and nutmeg. I am so greateful to have found this on line. Works great with dips as well.
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
quick easy and deliciousDecember 12, 2009 By None
I was surfing the web at 11 p.m. and came across this recipe. 93 reviews! 5 stars! wow! I had to get up and make it right away. It is now 11:47pm and I just had one with cream cheese. Very good! I baked mine on a pan that I think is called a muffin top pan. I would like to try this recipe with golden flax. I reduced the oil to 3 tbsp. and increased the water to 1 cup.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Excellent breadDecember 09, 2009 By None
This recipe is fantastic. The texture is sponge, yet full of flavor. I added onion powder to mine and plan to add sauteed onions next time. I also sweetened it with stevia instead of sugar. I decided to store it in the frig to see if it dried out, but it was still good cold, right from the frig. I picked this recipe, because it is gluten free and not for the low carb part of it. I also love that it is packed with great fiber. I plan to try using golden flax seeds next time. I buy the flax seeds in bulk and grind them fresh with a small coffee grinder. Thanks for the recipe!! I love it!!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
I Still Cant believe itDecember 08, 2009 By None
Hi everyone, I have been doing the atkins for a few months now and i was craving carbs like crazy!!!! I was looking for a muffin recipe and ran into this recipe!!! so glad i did..... I make the recipe exact as is and i just bake them in my muffin pan... Great to grab when your on the go with cream cheese. Thank you Soooooooo Much!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Lovin It!November 20, 2009 By None
Bread is the thing I miss the most on a low-carb lifestyle so was thrilled to find this recipe! I also adjusted the oil content and water and added 2 T. of caraway seeds to give it a rye bread flavour. An easy recipe to make additions to like herbs, spices, cheeses etc.
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Better than store boughtNovember 17, 2009 By None
I was presently surprised by the taste of this bread. I plan on using it as a base to develop some other recipes. I used oiled waxed paper as I didn't have parchment paper. The bread stuck a little but I remedied that by turning the whole thing upside down and peeling away the paper which came off very easily. Then I cut the bread into 12 pieces with a spatula. I see this bread being very versatile and is much better than the low carb store bought breads and tortillas.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
WOW this is amazing!!!November 10, 2009 By None
I used golden linseed (I am from the UK), and I am amazed at the results. This is really light bread and has a very neutral (slightly nutty) taste. I have had toast with butter and marmite (never thought I would be able to have that on a low carb diet!). I have this for lunch with garlic and herb boursin and I can't wait, I have fed this to all my colleagues in the office this morning and they all like this as well! (and they aren't low carbers). I can honestly say that this bread will help me stick to a low carb diet, as bread is the item I missed the most.
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
DeliciousNovember 09, 2009 By None
I don't normally bother to leave reviews for things, but had to come on and say just how great this bread was. Like many other reviewers on here, I was a little dubious about making this bread, and was even more dubious when I caught a whiff of the mixture. However, once cooked it was delicious. I made it just as stated as in the recipe but will try it again with less oil. I will also try next time with rosemary and garlic.
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
October 18, 2009 By None
I was very leary about trying this bread but it is AWESOME! I added a tbsp of italian seasoning. I will definitely be making this regularly!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Focaccia Flax BreadOctober 14, 2009 By None
My nephew is a diabetic and has to watch his carbs I made this bread for him and he loved it. Everyone in my famly loved it also. I will make it often
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
variation of flax breadOctober 10, 2009 By None
It was awesome. We like to try and play with recipes. We changed out the oil for sour cream, made it moister, and for breakfast breads we substituted the sweetner for sugar free coffee flavoring. I like the french vanilla best.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Carb countOctober 08, 2009 By None
I have made this bread three times now. I love it and now my family is also eating it (I thought they would not like it since is healthy and low carb - but they love it!) In fact I am making another loaf for Thanksgiving weekend. I think it is slowing down my weight loss though...there are two carb counts given - one by the author saying a slice is less than 1 (.7) grams of carbs and then the first reviewer writes that one slice is 5 grams....that's a big difference if you have two slice a day! Which is correct?
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
Pretty goodOctober 06, 2009 By None
I made this bread last night. I also reduced the amount of oil to 3 tbs and increased the water to 3/4 cup. I think it turned out pretty good. I also sprinkled sea salt and ground rosemary on top. It is very hearty, dense bread and pretty tasty. It is a bit different from regular bread in that it is a much smaller portion that regular bread. I immediately cut it into 12 pieces to ensure I would adhere to the portion recommendation. I would make it again and try other options (nuts, seeds, less water for a drier result). It is easy to make changes since there are so few ingredients.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Focaccia Flax BreadSeptember 29, 2009 By None
I am a diabetic and this bread does not spike the blood sugar I use Stevia as my sugar. It is also good with chopped onion in the batter, I've used dill & basil. I Like to ladel the batter into a large biscuit cutters. They make perfect buns.
3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
try it!September 29, 2009 By None
It has been meat meat meat salads etc the last 2 months. Down about 18 pounds. Now comes this great recipe for higher fiber and it tastes great! I made a sandwich out of egg/bacon/cheese inside the toasted Foccacia and holy shazam! Hey buy and use Alcan ""Slide"" and just plop everything on it. I made the bread and then made the cheese crisps afterwards and everything slid right greasing and ready to go again!! Thank you for the excellent healthy recipes!!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
This is great!September 28, 2009 By None
I just started a low carb diet yesterday and am really craving carbs. I made up this recipe today and only used 3 egg yolks, plus 5 egg whites. Plus I added parmasean. It tasted soooo good, I'll definately make it again.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Focaccia Flax BreadSeptember 27, 2009 By None
I love this bread so much it's my new favorite food. It is so versitle. In the morning, I put scrambled egg between a slice and it makes a great breakfast on the go. I also toast it to warm it up, slice it and put butter between to melt - very yummy. Also, slice, toast and add some creme cheese. It makes a great sandwich bread - and the benefits of the fiber makes for great ""regularity"". I took some to work, and all my coworkers love it. Thank you Laura.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
Thanks for this recipe!September 27, 2009 By None
I've made several batches now, but I've switched to mini muffin pans instead of a flat loaf. This morning I tried 1 cup flaxseed and 1 cup almond meal, PLUS I coarsley ground up 1/2 cup cocoa roasted almonds. OMG! I'm one happy girl. Getting my fiber with little guilt.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
1 out of 5 1 out of 5
Focaccia Flax breadSeptember 07, 2009 By majomor
I agree with Nitti(sp) review, It does taste wonderful, but the Fat content is way over the top, especially since the Flax is loaded with fat also.....I still have to watch my Fat content to keep my weight down on Low carb and this is not the best for me....or for anyone on low carb.
0 of 22 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Focaccia Flax BreadSeptember 06, 2009 By coconutoilfan
I make this with extra virgin organic coconut oil- It is AWESOME! I suggest making this with agave syrup. I used stevia and it is not as good as with the agave. My sister and I made it two different ways. The suggested recipe with the 1/2 cup of water was delicious and the suggestion of 1 cup of water and 3T oil was delicious. Both are soooo good. Thank you for this recipe!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
1 out of 5 1 out of 5
Too much fat!August 27, 2009 By Nirrti
When I took a look at the ingredients for this bread, it looked really high in fat, and I then noticed that the fat count was entirely missing from the nutritional analysis. In the reviews, no one seems to address this. According to my figures, this recipe cut into 12 servings has 14.25 grams of fat per serving. In a 15 X 10 pan, that's 150 square inches of bread, divided by 12 servings, each serving being 12.5 square inches (3.15 inches a side). A slice of regular bread from my commercial loaf at home measures 4.5 X 4 inches, for 18 square inches, which is 1.5 times bigger than this bread. 1.5 times 14.3 means that, compared to the same size slice of regular bread, this recipe has 21.45 grams of fat per slice! My regular wheat commercial loaf has only 1 fat gram per slice (along with 14 g. carbs). While this may be inconsequential to people who are looking for low carbs but don't care about fat, a lot of us Type 2 diabetics are on a low fat AND low carb diet, and this bread just doesn't pass the fat test. My diabetes counselor has me on a 40 grams of fat per day diet, and if I ate just two slices of this bread, I'd have my fat requirement for the day eating absolutely nothing else. Even if you made the bread with no oil and no eggs as some readers suggested, because the recipe uses two cups of high fat flax seed flour, the fat content would still be 9 grams of fat per slice or 9 TIMES the commercial wheat bread. Here are the figures I used obtained from Internet sources: Flax flour: 4.5 grams fat per 2 tablespoons (72 g. in 2 cups), canola oil 14 grams fat per 1 T (74.66 g. in 1/3 cup), 5 grams fat per large egg (25 g. in 5 eggs). That adds up to 171.66 grams of fat for the recipe, divided by 12 servings which is 14.25. If I made a huge mistake in math somewhere along the line, I'd be more than happy for someone to point out where. Otherwise, I'd suggest if you're watching your weight, you should avoid this bread. The reason it's so delicious is that it's loaded with fat, as many delicious products are. For me, the saving in carbs just isn't worth the corresponding huge increase in fat.
12 of 37 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Awesome!! Thank You!August 18, 2009 By Marra7384
5 stars! Easy to whip together, easy to bake. Awesome to eat! I've just started baking with flax meal and am still amazed at just how versatile it really is. One of my main downfalls in bread-- if I am going to cheat on low carb-- bread will have been the villain. This bread makes great peanut butter and jelly, toast, sandwiches, etc. Fortunately, I've always loved the rougher, nuttier dark breads so I do like the texture here-- someone raised on Wonderbread white would hate this. I can already see lots of easy variations in the future-- adding nuts, different flavorings, etc. Thank you so much!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Great StuffAugust 09, 2009 By muirwoods
I was disappointed with the eggy texture of the bread so I added 1/4 cup of unprocessed wheat bran (I used Hogsen Mill) to give it a more breadlike texture. This added only 3 net carbs to the whole recipe and greatly improved the texture (more light and bready). I also agree with scebbi_loves_to-cook 1 cup of water and very lttle oil (1 to 3 Tablespoons is plenty) and this stuff is perfect!!!
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
2 out of 5 2 out of 5
Flax bread or spinach bread?July 15, 2009 By ellenfr
Must admit, mine came out green. All I needed was green eggs and ham to complete the course! Seriously though, the inside was wet, though the top crust was firm yet spongy. I only put half tablespoon of Splenda, which I wish I would have put more cause it was kind of boring and plain. It was definitely moist, and when I slathered butter on top it was more palatable. For lunch I put tuna and egg salad on 2 slices of it, but it was a disappointment. I wonder if I make it again if parmesean cheese and Italian seasonings would make a difference. It definitely needs an uplift in taste.
0 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
WOW!! The Flax Bread is Outstanding!July 14, 2009 By LeftyLucy
I must say, initially I very, very dubious about making bread almost entirely of flax meal (and eggs). But, I mean after reading nearly 70 reveiws that said it was good, and most said really good, I figured what the hey. After all, pigs can't fly, but if 70 people swore they saw a flock of flying pigs, well, I might have to question my own judgement. So glad I did!! An unheard from little corner or the world has spoken again: grilled cheese, reubens, tuna, dare I say even, peanutbutter and (sugar free) jelly. And the crowning glory, now that I am completely used to bunless hamburgers...I no longer have to shun the bun! And the possibilities for variations are limitless. This is such a keeper! Like a hearty wheat bread; substantial and comforting. Nutritionally fabulous: just a couple of peices of toast may even be in order at less than 1 gram a peice plus 5 grams of fiber and 6(!) grams of protein. Plus my gluten free friends are getting a treat, too! Laura, you are a genius with flax seeds and my hero!
3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Great tasting and easy to make for us low-carbersJune 20, 2009 By DeLynn51
What a fantastic recipe. I just took the bread out of the oven ,and it tastes great ! I took the advice of scebbi_loves_to_cook , and used 3 T oil and 1 cup water. Finally a low carb bread that is easy to make , and tastes great . I can't wait to pass this recipe on to my weight loss group. I'm sure they will be as excited as I am . Thank you so much for this recipe . ... DeLynn
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
June 16, 2009 By anniemac36
Great recipe! Life saver! I have also added baking chocolate powder and sugar free raspberry syrup for a cake. I frosted it with whip cream! Yummy!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
woohoo! read again!June 06, 2009 By keriannb
thank you so much! I LOVED this bread! it's SO much better than the ""1 minute muffin"" bread I normally make with flax seeds in the microwave... I actually bought 6 quiche pans which made PERFECT round ""buns"" which I cut in half to get 2 slices of bread from each. I stopped by arby's as I had been CRAVING a french dip lately (one of my favorite sandwiches i totally miss...) and I transferred the roast beef to one of these buns and even used the au jus sauce and WOW!!! THANK YOU!!!! after reading many reviews though - one thing I do think i'll change is the amount of oil. I actually only used 1/4 cup of oil and 3/4 cup of water - but it was still a bit oily...other than that though AWESOME!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Excellent with endless possibiltiesMay 29, 2009 By sgrplummy
Never again will there be a need to buy expensive, packaged low carb breads...this recipe is so easy, so delicious, and there are so many possible variations. I've added artichoke hearts, sundried tomatoes, and parmesan cheese-all with great success.
2 of 3 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Best gluten-free bread ever.May 25, 2009 By rilestar
I am so glad I found this recipe. I used a suggestion from the reviews and made it with 1 cup of water and 3 tablespoons of oil, and it's perfect. I no longer buy gluten-free bread, but bake this once a week - it's fantastic to be able to eat gluten-free bread that doesn't require toasting to make it edible. It's cheaper than the store-bought stuff, too. I also use egg replacer instead of the actual eggs. Sometimes I add Italian herbs and garlic powder to the mix. Incredible stuff - takes 5 minutes to put it together, 20 to bake, and the result is fantastic. Thanks so much to the original poster!
4 of 4 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Focaccia Flax BreadMay 11, 2009 By kiwiyumyum
This tastes great. I have IBS along with the all the nasties that goes with that particular complaint..e.g. food carb intolerance,... so I have been on a gluten, dairy free diet for a few years now. This is the first time I have had any 'bread' that tasted like a wheat bread, the first sandwich I have had for years -- bliss. I have only just made it so I don't know how long it will keep but even if it is just for one day, it was worth it. Thank you for posting this recipe :)
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
perfect!April 29, 2009 By coffee_freak1975
except I baked in loaf'h. It tastes great..but I had to slice it different..small pieces..can't make sandwiches but will use for breakfast w/ cream cheese. I will make this again but using the right pan! lol
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
bread atlast made from homeApril 29, 2009 By katz66
This was very easy to make. Tasty. I did not use the sweetener. Not sure why you were suppose to. I read 20 reveiws before I made it. They did help. So I used 1 tablespoon of oil. 3/4 cup of water and waited 5 mins before putting it on the jelly roll pan. I added sea salt to the top and roasted garlic and rosemary and black olives. I really enjoyed it. Can't wait to do it for a carrier at a dinner party for salmon. Used a slice today for lunch with asparagus and chees in the broiler. Somethig I enjoyed before low carb.
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
This Bread ROCKS!April 04, 2009 By MelissaC63
Thank you for posting this gem of a bread! I can no longer have white bread and this is so healthy and just what my doc ordered! My husband can now have this with his eggs in the morning and I can have a sandwich for lunch. It's easy to make and takes little time to prepare. I will be passing this to my friends and my doctor. She's going to love it too! Many Blessings, MelissaC63
0 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Great way to have bread on a low carb diet!March 29, 2009 By jlcarroz
i like this because it's really easy and quick - no yeast-rising time. i did change it a little bit & substituted 1/2 of the flax meal for spelt flour and i also added 1 tsp dough enhancer & 1 tsp of vital wheat gluten. i cut them up into 24 square servings. by my calculation, it is about 3 grams of carbs per square. not bad! i'll be making more. i think next time i'll sprinkle garlic powder & rosemary on top for a true focaccia taste! definitely try this recipe!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
GrrrrrrrrreatMarch 25, 2009 By bella5
I have looked for something this. Love bread. I had no reg. spendid. so, I used 1 Tblesp spendid brown sugar. very good !!!!!just hope it didnt change carbs that much.? THANK YOU AGAIN
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
OOOOOHHHHHH YEAHHHHH!March 06, 2009 By scebbi_loves_to_cook
I cannot say enough about this VERSATILE bread! It is light, yummy and I can actually eat a sandwich. I have made it into rolls, loaves and even pizza dough. I NEVER use 1/3 cup oil.....max 3 tbsp and always use 1 cup of water. This comes out PERFECT everytime. Thank GOD for this stuff!
72 of 73 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
March 02, 2009 By inovative
I made a change no oil . added brown rice protein power. sold at costco I added two scoops. flax is high in oil there is no need to add extra oil. the bread was soft with high flavor. added protein24gr added fiber 2 gr carb 10 grams added 1tablespoon agave for the sweetner added 1 teaspoon cinamon I used kosher salt fresh grind the flax
6 of 11 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
HAVE YOUR BREAD AND EAT OT TOO!February 20, 2009 By gossett1990
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Wonderfully good!!!February 03, 2009 By 05jeepliberty
I made this recipe tonite for dinner. It has been over 1 month since I have eaten any bread at all. This was wonderful!!! I too ate it hot (straight out of the oven) with butter. WOW!!! It tasted amazing!!! Thanks so much for posting this recipe :)
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Wonderful!February 02, 2009 By Cheryl32909
This bread is so easy to make and I can have a sandwich again. I just had a BLT and it was great.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Is this ok for phase one of Adkins?January 15, 2009 By LulasMom
I made a pan and ate it over the course of a week but was thinking maybe I shouldn't have since I'm on week two of phase one. Anyway, like many other reviewers I see great potential for tweaking this recipe in many different ways. Thank you for the great recipe.
3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Delicious!January 07, 2009 By Spirals_
Thank you for this recipe--it's delicious! I'm a longtime user of flax seeds and flax oil. I've never baked bread with the ground seeds until last night. Since I only had 1 cup of flaxseed meal left, I cut your recipe in half and left out the oil (since flax seeds are mostly oil already), omitted the salt and I used two eggs. I used a tiny bit of stevia and no other seasonings. I spread it in a loaf pan, baked it for 20 minutes and produced a beautiful bread that looks just like your photo! Mine looked like dark rye bread and to me, it's a little more dense and compact than the cornbread description some mentioned. I enjoyed mine plain then with organic peanut butter and honey. Tomorrow, I'll make a sandwich with it. I'll be buying more flax seeds soon for full batches! Thank you again!
3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
GREAT!!January 05, 2009 By dinkyss53
If you are on a carb diet and have not had bread in a while, it is great!!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
Great for wheat sensitive peopleDecember 21, 2008 By Corlett5151
I tried this recipe initially just for a change of pace. I wasn't looking to take take wheat out of my diet entirely. I found it to be very tasty. I went with a recommendation to add rosemary and Kosher salt on top the first two times I made it. However, I recently found my 8 month old has a very high sensitivity to wheat, so I am making it for her but adding a bit of cinnamon rather than the other flavorings. I use Agave nectar for the sweetener which another reviewer recommended. It tastes just like honey but not so thick. I haven't tried it as bread for sandwiches yet, just as a toasted snack. I will continue to make this ""bread"" using a bunch of combinations people suggest.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
3 out of 5 3 out of 5
December 14, 2008 By craze4mazenblue
This bread was suprisingly good. I will make it again. My three year old daughter is enjoying it as well. Looking forward to making it again. Thank you
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
I made this an artesian breadNovember 18, 2008 By Tnnkerbel
This is a great recipe. I did mess with it just a bit. I left out the sweetner, added italian seasoning and grated parmesean cheese to the dry mix. Before baking I put asiago cheese and chopped black olives on top. This is excellent!
33 of 34 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
This bread is Wonderful!November 10, 2008 By Graciie55
Finally a bread I can eat - I'm diabetic and have not eaten bread for over a year because of the carbs - this is a much welcome recipe - finally - a low carb bread that dosn't spike my BG and tastes good! It's good with cream cheese, peanut butter and for sandwiches - perfect! I reduced the oil to 1/4 cup and used 3 eggs and 1/2 cup egg substitute. I'm looking forward to trying the different variations of ingredients posted in some of the the other reviews. Thank you so much!!
3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
What a lifesaver!November 09, 2008 By B7mom
Been missing bread-ALOT. Made this recipe, and good golly miss molly, my struggles are over. Had a sandwich tonight (husband ate 2!). Yummy! It's easy to make (I followed the recipe tonight, will try variations later), and have called my father in law who is diabetic to tell him he must try this! Laura, thank you thank you thank you! I will be trying the pizza recipe next....
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
This is a great starter recipeNovember 08, 2008 By LyndaDi
I've been making this bread for some time now and I found that I preferred it with less oil, less baking powder and less salt. 1/4 C oil, 1/4 tsp of baking powder and 1/8 tsp salt. My preferred sweetener is Splenda and I use the called for 2 Tbsp. I don't know the purpose of all the baking powder or salt. Other than the taste and smell of the bread, both of which I didn't like, there was no difference in the baking of the bread. I also use a 6 x 11.5 x 2 glass baking dish for lack of what is called for in the recipe. I also just spray the pan with Pam, pretty much out of laziness. It works and the bread is thick enough to split and use for delicious sandwiches. Because the pan is smaller and the batter is thicker in the pan, I bake for 25 min. For something a little different I add unsalted pumpkin seeds for a different texture as well as flavor.
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
addictingNovember 07, 2008 By sfgatorgrrl
i'm addicted to this bread...i toast it in the a.m. and spread with cream cheese...i've also made it with some garlic powder, onion powder, italian herbs and a little grated parmesan and served as garlic bread. it goes sweet too, with more sweetener and cinnamon...yum! freezes well too, i make a big batch and freeze half for later in an airtight ziploc and then wrapped in aluminum foil. you can also bake this in a loaf pan as a quickbread...pour mixture into a greased loaf pan, let it rise a little...about two minutes and then put into the oven at recommended temperature.
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Holy Cow!November 02, 2008 By Chefdrea
This is the most amazing recipe I have ever tried. I didn't really believe it would taste like bread or taste good at all, but I have become desperate in my search to calm my BREAD cravings. I am on the Fat Flush Plan right now, phase 1, and that is how I even have Flax seed meal in my pantry. The oil is a no-no at this phase, but I wanted to be true to the recipe the first time around. I will experiment will removing the oil or at least reducing it. My God, I might even succeed in losing this darn baby fat this time with the help of this miracle bread to keep me from losing my mind.
3 of 3 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
Very versatile!October 22, 2008 By Ramazander
I love making this recipe and here are a few suggestions. I use egg beaters & add parmesan cheese, sunflower seeds & garlic (no stevia) for a savory bread. I don't put any oil in the recipe and add extra water instead (texture is better) . I let batch sit for 20 minutes before putting in oven and mold bread with hands on sheet and top with coarse salt, onion flakes and rosemary. For sweet version I do the same except instead I add cinnamon, stevia, vanilla and walnuts. Top with my own cinnamon swirl cream cheese made with light cream cheese, a little half and half, cinnamon, stevia and vanilla and whip up. The kids love it!
7 of 8 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Focaccia Flax BreadOctober 13, 2008 By frimite1956
Fantastic!!! I am diabetic and my sugar levels held stable and I was full. The taste is great!!! Even my husband loved it (mister fussie).
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Soooo yummy!September 27, 2008 By NascarCurvzz
This is a great substitute for all of you ""whole wheat bread"" diehards! I just made my second batch of it. Plus, the 5 grams of fiber is insoluble so you pretty much pass it all! Great for low-carb diets!
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
Necessity breeds creativitySeptember 13, 2008 By DeniseGolding
This recipe has been a god-send, but I do find the taste 'strong', and it tends to overshadow anything it is eaten with. Was making some a few weeks back and, after lighting the oven and beating the eggs, found I didn't have enought flaxseed meal - in fact I was nearly ¾ cup short! Panic! I really needed it, so after the panic attack wore off I started to try and solve the problem and came up with - psyllium husks! I made up the difference with the husks and it turned out fine. The taste isn't as strong, and the texture is a little lighter, and that suits me fine. So that's the way I make it now. Still great for toasting etc., and the toppings aren't so overwhelmed by the flaxseed flavour.
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
OMG!!!This is soooo good!!!September 05, 2008 By ImaYorkieMom
I had all my ingredients together but not stirred when I realized I didn't have any spray.I called my daughter to go get some for me and she got to me about a half hour later. The mixture was rather thick as I whipped it so I added another 1/3 cup of water and it came out perfect!!!! I did time it for 25 minutes at 350 degrees though. This is going to make all the difference in the world for me to maintain my diet. For those that think the recipe is expensive I have to say,it is worth every penny! Thank you so much,I will never eat bread from the store again. I am going on a trip in Oct. I plan to make some ""bread"" to take with me!!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
OH. MY. GOODNESS.August 28, 2008 By MutedHeretic
After switching to a low(er)-carb diet I really wanted to find a low-carb bread mainly for convenience; sandwiches, toast, etc., without having to buy ready-made bread online. This bread is absolutely amazing! In addition it is SO EASY to make. I also see avenues for experimenting and making creative variations. Flax is well known for its health benefits and the fiber this bread offers is substantial. I ended up with 12 ""slices"" measuring 4""x2"" or 6 slices the size of typical white/wheat loaf bread. I like the smaller half-sandwich size myself. And best of all, it is FRESH...and is there anything quite as nice a fresh bread? Give it a try!
95 of 96 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Sandwiches again!August 22, 2008 By epicciuto
Like everyone else, totally love this recipe. Easy, idiot-proof, and tasty! I had really missed that bready texture, and it's welcome back in my life. This can easily be made in sweet (add extra cinnamon and sucralose!) and savory (no sweetener, maybe adding sundried tomatoes, olives, parmesan, or rosemary) versions. A few people were asking about calories. By my calculations, if you divide each whole recipe into 12 pieces, each piece should have about 175 calories. So you can't go overboard (think I'll stick to open-face), but not too bad at all. Laura, keep experimenting! So many of your recipes have entered our regular rotation!
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
AmazingAugust 15, 2008 By CarmenSteen
tHANK YOU,THANK YOU,THANK YOU.I made this bread and I could not believe how good it is.I love whole grain anything so this fit the bill for me.My Dad had a fit over it and he is a gourmet cook.I miss bread on low carb and it is the only diet that works for me.Now I am not deprived and I use it in so many ways.I made 1and 1/2 recipe and put it in the same size pan and cooked it 15 minutes longer for a thicker bread for sanwiches at only a little more carb count.I cut it into 15 squares and made a cheeseburger on it.It was so good.I am going to try all of these wonderful recipes.My low carb life will be enjoyable now.Carmen
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
SKEPTICALAugust 11, 2008 By redbull4100
I must be honest. I was not expecting much in this recipe. There are so many ""fantastic"" recipes for low-carb breads, muffins, cookies, etc that DO NOT live up to their review. Well, I am so very glad I put my sketicism aside and gave this recipe a try. I put some butter and sprinkled some spenda (powder) on top of a finished slice and wow!! Pretty good! I made the recipe exactly as written, didn't add anything and it was great. Thank you for such a great recipe!!
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Great alternative, no matter how you slice it!July 20, 2008 By Suzuko
I loved it! I was so exited to try this that I forgot my geometry, I cut it into 16 pieces instead of 12. (embarrassing for a math major) Still great no matter how you slice it! I had it last night with a stew, then this morning I toped it with cottage cheese and put it in the toaster oven, till the cheese started to melt. Sprinkled it with cinnamon, then topped it with fresh raspberries. My daughter's comment when she saw me eating it was, ""It looks like something from a restraunt"", It tasted yummy and gave me something different to eat besides eggs!
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Easy and TastyJuly 17, 2008 By aarnold57
I made this receipe because I want to embrace a low-carb lifestyle, and the cost for ingrediants was low. I only had to buy the Flax Meal, as I had everything else. It was very easy to put together - took me only 8 minutes instead of the 15 indicated. The cooking time was accurate for my oven and while I didn't have parchment nor silicon to line my cookie sheet - I used the non-shiny side of aluminum foil and Pam - which worked just fine. I ate it right out of the oven (5 min. rest) with cream cheese - YUM. Then later for lunch in a Tuna salad sandwich also YUM. I liken it to Cornbread and next time will use a little less sweetner, because with 2 TBSP of Splenda it came out almost like cake. I consider this my new bread until I get bored and go looking for others to discover.
1 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Awesome Low Carb Bread!July 06, 2008 By seh211
Unbelievable! I used fresh ground flax seed and lowered the amount of oil to 1/4 cup. It came out perfect. Just like the photo. I spread some butter on it while it was still hot and it was just deeee-lishious! I can't wait to have a peanut butter sandwich or maybe even a grilled cheese. The possiblities are endless. The best part of all is that it's so healthy.
40 of 41 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
BEST low carb bread around!!!!!May 16, 2008 By barbievickiO
Ok I tried the low carb thing one more time. Been around the block with this one because i have a hard time without the bread. Well stumbling upon this was amazing! I left out the sweetener and its delicious. You feel like you are cheating:) I added a bit of cheddar cheese powder add a bit of cheesy flavor but i didnt notice much so i will omit that next time. I cant wait to try it with a burger and cheese!! mmm mmmm good. Vicki
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Wow! I am surprised!May 16, 2008 By KFarley73
I have to admit, I was skeptical. As I was mixing the brown gelatinous mass I was thinking ... What a waste of time and ingredients. I really couldn't imagine the brown sludge being anything but a disaster. In foccacia style I sprinkled coarse sea salt, rosemary and dried onion flakes on top. Oh Yum! I can't wait to try other variations. I think I would like to try and add more ""grainy"" type things like sunflower seeds, whole flax seeds, ect. To give it a more rustic texture ... but all in all ... an excellent very easy base recipe that has endless possibilities. I omitted the sweetener as my migraines make me sensitive to artificial sweeteners. But honey or real sugar along with cinnamon, nuts and raisins would make for an excellent morning breakfast bread.
12 of 14 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
Great basic recipe, I adapted it to:May 06, 2008 By ScubaLady
I didn't have 16oz of flax seed on hand, so I adapted it, and liked the outcome even better. Let me know if you like it or have other suggestions. dry 10oz flax seed 5oz soy flour 2oz oats (old fashion quaker rolled oats) 4 tbs vital wheat gluten 2oz seeds/nuts ( I used pecans, sunflower and pumkin seeds) 1 plus 1/4 tbs baking powder 2 tbs honey powder The only ""wet"" changes: replace club soda for tap water and increase by 1oz. (this is approx.-- you can always add a bit more if too dry) replace olive oil for veg oil ( I used sundried tomato flavor) I used the convection setting, and added another minute or 2 to the cooking time. ** My additions and substitutions probably add 5-6 carbs per loaf, which is less than 1 carb per serving, well worth the added texture. I found using club soda, and a tad more baking powder helps relieve the ""leaden"" texture low carb breads tend to have. Happy baking !!!
5 of 8 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Total Calories, Carbohydrates, Protein, and SodiumMay 03, 2008 By LorettaBelle
Carbohydrate people rejoice! We can have bread! I will be cooking turkey burgers all summer long on the barbeque, so I'm sure thrilled I don't have to wrap another piece of lettuce around the patty. I sat down and added up the totals for this bread. I hope this helps. This bread has a total of 12 servings, and this comes in around...117 calories, 5 grams carbohydrates, 6 grams protein, and 229 mg sodium per serving...SWEET!
27 of 29 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
OMG!!May 02, 2008 By kloretto
I just made this -- it is sooooo good. I almost ate 1/2 the loaf before it even cooled down! Does anyone have the extact nutritional breakdown?
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Bread again!April 26, 2008 By prettyhate
I made this last night for the first time. I used a bigger pan and made it a little thinner. I used Pam cooking spray, so it stuck a little...but that was ok because I scraped up the stuck pieces and now I have breadcrumbs! I used sun-dried tomato olive oil , roasted garlic and rosemary seasonings and only 1/2 package of splenda- wow - what flavor. I had a piece for breakfast with farmers cheese and apple smoked salmon - goodbye trying to find a new way to cook eggs everyday!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
great, how many calories in it???????April 12, 2008 By Bookster60
I love the bread, made it and am anxious to play with added savory ingredients. REALLY would like to know the calories & protein count, does anyone know?
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Very good!March 27, 2008 By catsnbaby2
I've been really struggling with ideas beyond meat and cheese for low carb, and then I found this site. This bread recipe is excellent! I've made it twice so far, and both ways were very good - instead of salt, I used garlic salt. The second time I made it, I used a teaspoon of cinnamon and 3 Tablespoons of sweetener (and regular salt). My daughter loved it. I used agave nectar for the sweetener, because I prefer not to use artificial sweeteners, and agave is low on the glycemic index.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
HeavenMarch 20, 2008 By CndyKthy
This recipe is wonderful . THANK YOU , THANK YOU !
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
This bread is amazing!!!!March 19, 2008 By Stina7
I have never experimented with low carb breads before, but I recently purchased flax meal and needed a good recipe to use it in. I have been living a glorious low carb lifestyle for about 3 months and this is the best addition to it! I am so excited to try it out in different ways, so far I've really enjoyed toasting it and using cream cheese and a little cinnamon on it for breakfast. Finally, I have an alternative to eggs! Anyway, I highly recommend this recipe and will definitely be making it over and over!! I just wish I could have the rest of the nutritional value, such as calorie count, grams of protein, etc.
124 of 125 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Easy to makeMarch 14, 2008 By Hallmark1998
Thanks for the recipe! My husband is excited to eat sandwiches again. We made this for the first time yesterday. I used whole flax seeds and ground them in a coffee grinder. I ground them in 3 batches. Next time, I'll take cue from some of the other users and add some other grains or nut meals.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Great Focaccia Flax Bread RecipeMarch 09, 2008 By little77mom3
First time I have tried this recipe, but love it. I will use this recipe when eating all bread in the future. Great for low carb diets. I also added ground up walnuts to the ingredients and added a little soy protein powder and Healthy Whey Protein 96 powder to the list of ingredients. Just about 2 Tablespoons of each and it worked fantastic. I would highly recommend people to try this fantastic recipe. Gloria from Oregon
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
this recipe saved my diet!March 06, 2008 By harlelyhor5e
i have always had a hard time staying away from breads, now i dont have to thanks to your focaccia flax bread. it was easy to make and took only a few minutes. thank you! also my 13 year old son actually likes it!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Yum!February 26, 2008 By monkeycat007
So good, and super easy to make! Try it without the sweetener, too - it left a little funny sweet aftertaste that I wasn't crazy about (I used SweetFiber). I didn't use parchment, but instead sprayed the pan with that Pam stuff with flour in it, and it didn't stick at all. I like it so much that I'm suspicious - I feel like there must be something bad for you in a food that tastes this good and has this good a texture, but I can't find a single drawback. Put rosemary and coarse salt on top before baking - mmmm!
40 of 41 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Great recipe, I make it all the timeFebruary 21, 2008 By nagbone
Yesterday I made a variation. I subbed 1 of the cups of flax with a cup of almost fully boiled red lentils. Also, I added a little less oil. Half of the oil I did use was sunflower seed oil, half vegetable. Also used only 2 eggs and the rest were egg whites. Kosher salt and cracked pepper on top. Tastes good and seems like it has fewer calories.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
The best low carb bread ever..........February 18, 2008 By DianeRoseSmith
We have been making this bread for two weeks now and it 's great. With this kind of bread we even make our favorite cheese toast in the oven. At first we bought the flax at a health store, but found it a little expensive. We were told later that we could buy it from Rogers mill store. We got a 4 litre pail for under $5.00 .Even my husband makes it it's so easy. Diane and Stan fron Vernon, BC.
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
February 09, 2008 By Mistfink
OH MY GOODNESS! This bread is INCREDIBLE. Only issue is it's a touch too greasy (maybe because my flax meal is freshly ground). So next time I will cut down a bit on the oil. I need to stay on a tightly controlled carbohydrate diet for both weight and medical reasons and I will not touch soy of any sort, I made this bread last night and was shocked, it is the best low carb bread that I have ever had. This morning I had a slice with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and a teaspoon of extra virgin coconut oil, and I must admit, every time I eat it, I feel almost guilty, like I am cheating on my diet! I will play around with the recipe for different flavors and this will be an every day addition to my diet.
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
Great Bread, one issue...January 21, 2008 By themom51
The only issue I have with any flax meal recipe is that it has a laxative effect on me. Otherwise, this is one of the tastiest recipes I've found for low carb bread. Thank you!
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
yumJanuary 20, 2008 By Nancedance
I will add my praises to the others'. easy to make, delicious and healthy too! With a thin smear of sugar-free jam makes a nice snack to go with a cup of coffee. Also would be easy to wrap up and take with while travelling. Thanks for this recipe.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Outstanding! Simple, fast, tasty and versatileJanuary 13, 2008 By K_L_Williams
This 'bread' is like heavy pumpernickel, the kind you buy in small squares or rounds for canapes. It's remarkably cohesive, and we were able to slice it horizontally for thinner slices. The recipe is simple and easy; my only adjustment was to bake it a bit longer (to 30 min.), because it was still a bit squashy at the recommended 20 min mark. So far, we've had salmon sandwiches, garlic bread, and cinnamon toast from the first batch -- all delicious. Congratulations on a low-carb recipe that adds value to the diet, in the form of more fiber and good fats. This is the best of 'new cooking.'
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
mini loavesJanuary 10, 2008 By cobbl17
i used this basic recipe and added 4 cups splenda 1 tlbs cinnnamon, 1 teaspoon nutmeg and baked for 25 to 30 mins at 325 in mini loaft pans, makes about 7.great taste plain or add butter and a little sugar free syrup .
0 of 7 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Best GF Low-Carb bread I've made in a long time!January 06, 2008 By GathererGirl
I have celiac disease, and follow the genotype diet, so was looking for a gluten free bread that will work with my diet. This is better than the rice breads I've tried, and it's great that it is low carb, as I need that too. It has no weird ingredients, is fast and easy to make, easy to use, and tastes great! I can't wait to experiment with different seasonings, it's very versatile.
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
A Nice SurpriseJanuary 04, 2008 By Lizzy0215
Had to adjust to the texture but the flavor is good and works with a spread or as a sandwich. There is an ""oily"" feel to the bread that I may try to adjust by less vegetable oil. The flax meal, which I am grinding myself, is very moist. Glad to have a choice without having to do without. My weaknesses are bread and butter, and always fall victim to my cravings.
1 of 2 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
AmazedDecember 19, 2007 By Judith_d
I made this recipe yesterday and have to say that I was truly amazed by it! It was really good and being on a low carb diet and so happy that I can now have a sandwich. I will definitely make it again and keep ita s a major staple in my new eating plan. Only worry is that I hope there's no harm in eating too much of it!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Wonderful breadNovember 19, 2007 By impunity75
I'm with ""butidigress"" about the cornbread taste. It tase just like the homemade cornbread my mother uses in her stuffing. Let me know how this turns out. I also made my bread in a smaller pan than suggested, making it thicker, but still great. I sliced mine up, buttered it and added a touch of cinnamon on top! It made a great coffee cake!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
GreatNovember 18, 2007 By jatow
I made this recipe today and it is great, and quite easy to prepare. I used egg substitute and sprinkled flax seeds on top before baking. My bread was suprisingly soft. I let the batter set for about 20 minutes before placing the dough on the baking tray, and that I think enabled it to keep its shape. I must say that it is rather bland, so I will keep the other posts in mind as far as seasonings. It's a keeper recipe.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
Great Bread for a diabetic and othersNovember 14, 2007 By Guru_
I have made this and the companion pizza crust based on this recipe many times. Really comes out great. I am a type2 diabetic on a low carb diet and I have checked my blood sugar after and it works great. Finally, I can have a large sandwich with mayo, turkey and lettuce and pickles for less than 8 gms of low glycemic carbs. Interestingly, the family loved the pepperoni pizza made with this type of crust. Did not expect that at all! Only need to make sure that the dough is spread thin eg. 1/4 inch or less. Otherwise the bread/ pizza crust becomes too thick for my liking and I had to slice it through. Also, I add only 1.5 tbsp of olive oil plus pesto and powdered onion and garlic... I have experimented adding 1/2 cup of Soy Flour and 1/2 cup of Soy Protien and 1.5 cup of flax meal... comes out a bit less dense, adds a couple of grams of carbs per serving but seems better for my taste. May be this is the 'resistant' starch version? Wondering if this can be cut up into smaller/ thinner bits and baked with cheese and spices to create crispier healthy snack type bits? Wonderful recipe. Thanks Laura.
17 of 18 people found this review helpful.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Loving this breadNovember 13, 2007 By butidigress
This bread does have a nutty flavor -- rich and hearty. It's amazing to think that it's so low carb. I baked mine in a round pie pan, so it baked up nice and high and the texture was very much like a very moist cornbread. I made it with the 2 TB of Splenda(R), but I should have cut the sweetness because I added rosemary, sea salt and cracked black pepper to the top. So these flavors battled a bit, but for my next ones I will cut the sweetness so I can add savory seasonings, or increase the sweetness and add raisins/almonds and bake it in a loaf pan and see how that turns out. I've been handing out tastes of it here and there and folks are loving it. Including my 12-year-old! I made her a sandwich from it this morning, in fact. PLUS! With Thanksgiving coming up, I've been worried about turning down my favorite food: stuffing. But I could easily crumble this bread, add chopped onions, celery, some pepperoni/sausage/bacon (italian style of my grandmother's) or some diced apples and slivered almonds and spices for a more cornbread-type dressing. I'm going to make some and bring it to a potluck here at work and will let you know the outcome.
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
Great substituteNovember 06, 2007 By gvl62
I was a little dubious when I was making this, but I needn't have worried. It has a great texture and a lovely nutty flavour. Definitley recommend it if you are on a low carb diet or need to boost your fibre intake.
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.

