Sunday, January 19, 2014

Mountain Laurel Care

Partial shade is fine, or full sun in a sheltered area, where it won't get the worst of the winter winds in cold climates.
In hot climates it really needs the shade. Amend the soil with organic matter, and give it at least a 2 inch layer of mulch (wood chips, pine needles, or leaves work well) each spring.

Mountain laurel will bloom in May and June. As soon as the blooms have faded, snip them off to help the plant spend its energies on next years blooms.  

At the same time you snip the faded blooms
You can also prune the shrub at this time to keep it small and bushier. But don't use a heavy hand-keep the pruning light.

Use a fertilizer made for this type of plant, but don't over do it. Light fertililyzing is all that is needed in very early spring or very late fall after a freeze. Do not
apply any fertilizer after the first week of June. This could cause new growth, which wouldn't be mature enough to handle winter.

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