Sunday, June 15, 2014

Garlic Parmesan Flax Seed Crackers

Garlic Parmesan Flax Seed Crackers

A great high fiber, crunchy, nutritious, and tasty snack. Good with dips, spreads, or plain.

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 15 to 25 minutes

Total Time: 25 minutes



  • 1 cup flax seed meal
  • 1/3 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
  • 1 and 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder - or less
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 up to 3/4 cup water


Heat oven to 400 F.

1) Mix all ingredients together.

2) Spoon onto sheet pan which is covered with a silicone mat or greased

parchment paper.

3) Cover the mixture with a piece of parchment or waxed
paper. Even out the mixture to about 1/8 inch. I find a straight edge, like a ruler, works well, though you can use a rolling pin or wine bottle too. The important thing is not to let it be too thin around the edges or that part will overcook before the center firms up. So after you spread it out, remove the paper and go around the edges with your finger and push the thin part inwards to even it up.

4) Bake until the center is no longer soft, 15 to 25 min. If it starts to get more than a little brown around the edges, remove from oven. Let cool completely - it will
continue to crisp up.

5) Break into pieces.

The whole recipe is 6 grams of effective carbohydrate plus 35 grams of fiber.

  comments on site

5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Score the crackers before cooking!April 04, 2012 By None
Recipe worked great, except I scored the crackers before I cooked them to size with a pizza cutter. This allowed me to take away the outside ones that were turning brown and to return the remainder to get them crisp.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
OH MY GOSH!!!!February 21, 2012 By None
These crackers are amazingly good. I have followed the recipe exactly, changed things up with different cheeses and herbs and no matter what I did, I loved them. Tonight, I added 1/4c of almond flour, sweetener, 1 t. of cinnamon, 1 t. of nutmeg, and 1/8 t of ground cloves. They were great! Whether you crave sweet or savory, this is a wonderful base to start with!
Sweet change-up rather than savouryJune 01, 2013 By None
Thanks for this recipe. Since we were looking for a sweet version and could not find one- we altered your recipe. Changed the garlic to allspice and cinnamon (combined to meet the amount), changed the cheese to gruyere, and changed the water to peach cider (a favorite substitution) and added 1 tsp of coconut sugar. We then dusted the tops with a little hibiscus sugar before baking and pre-cut them with a pastry wheel before baking. Delicious!
Flax crackersMarch 06, 2013 By None
Great crackers! When trying to keep on track, these have a great crunch and pair well with your cheese and meat. Satisfies my desire for my favorite crackers that are taboo on a low carb diet. I added some ground almonds and some cayenne pepper for a little ""kick"". Thanks!
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
flax meal crackersAugust 11, 2012 By None
These were amazing! I used seasoned salt instead of regular salt and a 1/2 teaspoon of ceyenne pepper. A thin slice of cheddar cheese made a great snack. I will be making these in bulk and will use them for hors de'ourves (excuse spelling). I really didn't have any problem with making them I just used a little more water than the 1/2 cup called for in the recipe.
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
Soooo easy and versatileJune 25, 2012 By None
I am a cracker addict and these are really good, carbs or no. Try making the mix with a little more water, spreading easily to 1/8 thin with wooden or silicone spatula, and then leaving in oven after tuning off until crisp. Much easier, less equipment. I made a batch with Milled Flax seeds instead of Parmesan, and topped with Montreal Steak Seasoning before baking - just like an everything bagel!
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
awesome crackers....June 23, 2012 By None
i made these last night according to the recipe...i had some truffle salt so i used that...baked them in the oven for 18 mins and then to be on the safe side, i put them in the dehydrator for an hour...they came out excellent!! the flavor is great and the whole house smelled wonderful for hours....i used a plastic container to roll them out to an even thickness...i got a perfect cracker that holds up to dips and tuna salad etc....make sure to score them before baking, ...i'm giddy w/excitement to have found this recipe, thanks so much!!
4 out of 5 4 out of 5
TastyMay 28, 2012 By shanson420
My husband and I recently started to eliminate wheat from our diet. This was my first try at making something with flax meal. These crackers are pretty delicious. I followed the ingredient measurements exactly. The dough was easy to manage. I should have rolled it thinner. They didn't get as crisp as I think they should be. I will make them again for sure though. Thanks!
5 out of 5 5 out of 5
These are easy, quick, and really good.February 17, 2012 By None
Use half the salt they recommend- If you need more you can add it as you eat it but don't ruin your whole batch by making it too salty (I did this!). I added a 1/4c of toasted sesame seeds and some italian seasonings. I added a touch over 1/2 c of water since I added the 1/4 c seeds. Cooked them on a silicone mat (on cookie sheet) for 15 minutes, flipped the whole piece carefully and cooked for another 4-5- perfect crispiness. Scored them with a pizza cutter before baking and they came out looking like crackers from a box- broke apart perfectly! Next time, I will add less garlic powder, a little onion powder, and maybe some cayenne pepper. These were great with tuna salad!!! Broke into about 40 crackers and on I came up with the following breakdown: 1 cracker: 22 calories; 1.59 g fat; 1.29 g carb; 1.13 protein. If you want less carbs , take out sesame seed and garlic powder- I did NOT know there were carbs in garlic powder!

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